Selected Podcast

Post Break-Up Blues? Rebuild Your Self-Esteem

Divorce sucks; there is no other way to put it.

Many people jump into a serious relationship or get married quickly after a divorce, as they are often afraid of being alone. Feeling comfortable with being alone can be a struggle. You may only identify yourself as a couple... but who are you as an individual?

Fortunately, you can redefine who you are post-divorce.

In a step-by-step process that includes informative case studies, simple exercises, and clear, concise theory, divorce and relationship therapist Dr. Deborah Hecker helps you navigate this demanding journey and develop personal power and renewed self-esteem.

Post Break-Up Blues? Rebuild Your Self-Esteem
Deb Hecker, PhD
Deb heckerDeborah Hecker, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist with over 35 years of private practice experience. She received her Master's Degree from Columbia University and her Ph.D. from The Union Institute. In addition, she is certified as a psychoanalyst and has extensive training in the following areas: addictions counseling, grief counseling, collaborative practice and mediation.

Dr. Hecker co-founded and was the President of Prime Choices, A Women's Center For Mid-Life Development. Prime Choices, an interdisciplinary organization whose mission was to educate and empower midlife women, offered individual counseling, support groups, professional speakers, author presentations and conferences.

After resolving the trauma of her divorce, Dr. Hecker developed a specialization in helping individuals and families transitioning through their own post-divorce /separation challenges. Drawing on her wealth of clinical experience in mental health as well her extensive research on the psychology of grief and theories of identity formation, she became deeply committed to assisting her clients to resolve complex issues involved in the divorce process and its aftermath.

Dr. Deborah Hecker has published articles on divorce and midlife women. She has been interviewed on radio programs and news broadcasts as well as made live appearances on PBS specials.