Selected Podcast

Women: Do You Hate Your Body?

Troubling statistics: according to a study commissioned by Dove, only four percent of women around the world describe themselves as beautiful. Another recent study found that 88 percent of middle-aged women hate their bodies. Hate is a strong word, but it describes how many women truly feel when they look in the mirror.

Today’s society is influenced by negative media messages and images. Women’s role models are no longer icons like Marilyn Monroe, but rather very thin models and actresses such as Kate Moss. This sort of unrealistic “ideal body image” is being passed down from generation to generation.

It is difficult to entirely understand the emotional impact society has on the perception of beauty.

In this segment of HER Radio, Adrienne Ressler, eating disorder and body image specialist, discusses signs you can look for to determine if you have a distorted body image, as well as how to gain confidence and find the beauty in your appearance.
Women: Do You Hate Your Body?
Adrienne Ressler
Adreienne ResslerAdrienne Ressler, eating disorder and body image specialist, is the Vice President of Professional Development of the Renfrew Center Foundation and immediate past president and Fellow of the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals. Ms. Ressler has extensive training in Gestalt therapy, psychodrama, bio-energetic analysis and the Alexander Technique. She has contributed chapters that focus on body/mind integration in Effective Clinical Practice in the Treatment of Eating Disorders and Treatment of Eating Disorders: Bridging the Research/Practice Gap and has written an entry for the first Encyclopedia of Body Image and Human Appearance. Ms. Ressler has appeared on the Today Show and Good Morning America. She attended the University of Michigan and served as faculty in the School of Education.