Selected Podcast

Are You a Virgin to Dieting?

The dirty little secret behind weight gain: food intolerance.

In this segment of HER Radio, author of The Virgin Diet, JJ Virgin,offers ways to lose weight by eating clean foods and avoiding foods to which you are intolerant. The basis of this diet is to cut out foods, at first, and gradually add them back in to see what you can and cannot tolerate. Virgin explains the basis of the diet plan and why your “diet” foods, like dairy and wheat, may be doing more harm than good. She also shares recipes for you to use incorporate into your daily diet regime.
Are You a Virgin to Dieting?
JJ Virgin
JJ VirginNew York Times bestselling author, JJ Virgin, is a prominent fitness and nutrition expert, public speaker, and media personality.

Her latest book, The Virgin Diet: Drop 7 Foods, Lose 7 Pounds, Just 7 Days, has appeared on numerous bestselling non-fiction lists, including the New York Times, USA Today, Chicago Tribune, and Wall Street Journal.

Internationally recognized as an expert in overcoming weight loss resistance (a self-coined term to describe people who do everything correctly and can't attain weight loss), JJ has helped thousands attain fast fat loss by addressing food allergies, food sensitivities, and other food intolerance. Clients feel better fast and get fast, lasting fat loss when they drop the seven highly reactive foods.

JJ's recent media appearances include the PBS show Drop 7 Foods, Feel Better Fast, Access Hollywood, The Rachael Ray Show, The Doctors and The Today Show. She is a frequent blogger for, the Huffington Post, and Prevention Magazine. JJ has been interviewed in numerous publications, including FOX News, Women's World, Health Magazine, LA Weekly, Cosmopolitan, and the Los Angeles Times.