Gossip, Olympic Style: Hear It from an Insider

The Olympics are always known for some controversy... what did the 2014 Winter Olympics bring?
Gossip is fun, as long as it's all in good humor and doesn't hurt anyone.

The Olympics are always known for some controversy... so what did the 2014 Winter Olympics bring to the table?

Melanie Cole, MS, and Dr. Scott Weiss, licensed physical therapist and board certified athletic trainer, dish the good dirt on what went on in Sochi, Russia.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: train_your_body/1410tb2d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Scott Weiss, DPT, AT, CSCS
  • Guest Bio: scott weiss resizedDr. Scott Weiss is a licensed physical therapist and board certified athletic trainer in the state of New York. He is also a registered exercise physiologist, strength and conditioning specialist and advanced personal trainer with over 15 years of experience. Scott possesses both a bachelor's and master's degree in exercise physiology and a doctorate in physical therapy. In 2012, Scott was selected to be a member of the United States sports medical team for the Olympic Games in London where he provided emergency medical and physical therapy services to the U.S. Sailing Team. He also served as part of the USOC sports medical team in the 2004 Athens and 2008 Beijing Games. He is currently an adjunct professor at the LIU Brooklyn campus, in the Division of Athletic Training, Health and Exercise Science.

    Scott is presently the owner and clinical director of Bodhizone for Human Performance & Sports Physical Therapy, PC. He has four offices in New York City, midtown east, upper east side, down in Gramercy and in Astoria, Queens. A physical therapy or fitness session at Bodhizone is guaranteed to be unique and effective each and every time. Scott and his staff combine yoga, martial arts, sports, physical therapy and functional strength training into many of the workouts, enabling you the patient, to heal while improving your overall health and fitness level. Bodhizone specializes in creating sport specific workouts for all sports and customizing physical and fitness training sessions to meet your rehabilitation goals and needs of your body.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS