Selected Podcast

Spring Cleaning: Refresh Your Life & Home

Does your home look like an episode from the Hoarders television show? This Spring, learn how to de-stress your life with easy tips to de-clutter and organize your home and mind. 

Spring is a great time to clear your clutter! Dusting, mopping, and vacuuming are (hopefully) ongoing activities in your home; but getting rid of the all the piles of junk takes more time and effort. 

The first step is to start with one room at a time, choosing the room or area that is causing you the most stress.

If there are clothes in your closet that you haven't worn in years, get rid of them. It's so easy to give clothes to a charity or homeless shelter Or, you can sell them online or at local secondhand store. 

Spring is also a good time to tackle your medicine cabinet. It may look relatively organized, but have you checked the expiration dates on your prescriptions? To be safe, you should toss them in the garbage whenever they expire. Professional organizer, Penny Catterall, says that you shouldn't even keep your prescription drugs in the medicine cabinet where other people -- your kids for example -- could have access to them.

Catterall joins HER Radio to share the best ways to your refresh your home and your life. 

Spring Cleaning Tips:

  • De-clutter your medicine cabinets.
  • Purge old makeup: most products have, at most, a one-year shelf life. Organic products may go bad even faster.
  • Rid your closet of clothes that you don't wear or don't fit you, as well as the gym shoes that smell. Typically, you should buy a new pair annually.
Spring Cleaning: Refresh Your Life & Home
Professional Organizer Penny Catterall
PennyCatterallHeadShotPenny Catterall of Order Your Life, LLC, offers in-person professional organizing services for clients in the Washington DC Metro area and virtually, around the world. Her goals are to help small businesses, particularly those run by women, achieve greater efficiency and profitability by developing and implementing organizing systems that are tailored to their needs. She also helps residential clients let go of the excess in their lives and to recognize and honor what is truly important, while giving them the tools to get and stay organized for the long term.