Selected Podcast

5 Ways to Live with Passion & Purpose

It is sometimes hard to get out of bed in the morning with a purpose. Have you ever had someone ask you, "what you are passionate about?" and bashfully hesitate to come up with a genuine response?

Lay off the loaded questions! 

This may sound morbid, but if you were able to witness your own funeral and listen to your own obituary, what would you want it to say? What would you feel is missing? 

Jane Simington, PhD, is a speaker, author and therapist who shares her professional knowledge and experiences to help people find their purpose in life.

5 major points and questions to help direct you to a purposeful life:

  • Identify your gifts.
  • Look at the relationship with yourself, career and relationships.
  • Do you love the way you are living your life?
  • Does what you are doing contribute to a higher good?
  • Does what you are doing make you shine? 
In this informative segment, Dr. Simington discusses the important steps to aid you in finding your mission in life... a life filled with passion and purpose. 
5 Ways to Live with Passion & Purpose
Jane A. Simington, PhD
Jane Simington Dr. Jane A. Simington, Ph.D., is the developer of both the internationally- delivered Trauma Recovery Certification and the Grief Support Certification Programs.

As a therapist and professor, she combines her professional background with her own experiences of grief, trauma, growth and transformation, along with an extensive knowledge of energy-transfer-healing, dream interpretation, therapeutic art and guided imagery, to help and heal people across the life span, and across cultures.

Dr. Simington is a frequent keynote speaker. Focusing on her research and clinical interests in grief and trauma, personal empowerment, and spiritual well-being, Jane is committed to giving powerful and impactful presentations that leave her audiences feeling inspired and with a solid take-away message to put into immediate action.

Jane's work is featured in her internationally sold books, Journey to the Sacred: Mending a Fractured Soul, and Through Soul's Eyes: Reinventing a Life of Joy and Promise, the award winning films, Listening to Soul Pain and Healing Soul Pain and on the CDs, Journey to Healing, Releasing Ties, Cloaked in Joy, Shielded with Light, and Reintegrating Lost Parts of the Self.

Dr. Jane A. Simington is the recipient of numerous awards including the YWCA Woman of Distinction for Health & Medicine and Global Television's Woman of Vision.