Selected Podcast

10 Ways to Navigate Your Hysterectomy Recovery

A hysterectomy is a surgical procedure that is used to treat a number of conditions, such as excessive menstrual bleeding, uterine fibroids, chronic pelvic pain and cancer. The operation may be performed through an incision in your lower abdomen (abdominal hysterectomy), in your abdomen (laparoscopic hysterectomy), or through your vagina (vaginal hysterectomy). 

Many people feel like they are never fully prepared for the post-operative process of a surgery. The first few days, even weeks, can be really challenging. 

Kathy Kelley is the Founder and CEO of, an online community of over 330,000 members providing woman-to-woman support for medical and emotional issues surrounding the hysterectomy experience. Kathy Kelley, who has also had a hysterectomy, shares how to walk through the surgery successfully. 

10 ways to navigate through your hysterectomy: 
  • Hang up the cape (don't plan on being the superwoman of recovery and heading back to work/life too quickly)
  • Rest up
  • Read up
  • Love your tummy
  • Watch your incisions
  • Check your plumbing
  • Eat well: high fiber foods 
  • Hydrate
  • Move with caution
  • Ask the HysterSisters
10 Ways to Navigate Your Hysterectomy Recovery
Kathy Kelley, founder and CEO of HysterSisters Hysterectomy Support website
Kathy Kelly Kathy Kelley is the founder and CEO of HysterSisters, an online community of over 330,000 members providing woman-to-woman support for medical and emotional issues surrounding the hysterectomy experience.

As a patient educator, Kathy is often invited to speak to surgeons and patients about the needs of the hysterectomy patient. She has also appeared before the FDA advisory council as an advocate for the hysterectomy and surgical menopause patient.

She has written and compiled What 250,000 Women Know About Hysterectomy, Our Hysterectomy Stories, and Mister HysterSisters Guide. As part of her mission to educate women about gynecologic illnesses and surgeries, she has partnered with physicians across the country to develop into the leading website for hysterectomy support and information.

In addition to her role as "Keeper of the Keys" at HysterSisters, she enjoys her role as "Nana" to a growing number of grandchildren.