4 Ways to STOP Binge Eating

You may not know this, but binge eating is a serious health problem.

In fact, binge eating is considered an eating disorder along with the likes of bulimia and anorexia.

What constitutes binge eating? Well, there is a HUGE difference between occasionally eating a bag of Cheetos all by yourself and not knowing how and when to stop eating all the time.

How do you stop binge eating in its tracks?

The first thing to do when planning a meal or snack is to never eat directly out of the bag, box or carton.

Doing so allows you to overeat because you know how much food is contained in the packaging. Instead, take out your portion, put it on a plate or in a bowl and put the rest back in the fridge or pantry.

This applies to eating sweets and treats as well. A dessert that is placed in smaller bowls eliminates extra room to add more and makes food look a lot larger than it really is.

It also may help to use normal size (or smaller) utensils instead of a giant soup spoon.

It's important to know that if you feel you may have binge eating disorder to talk openly to professionals and seek medical treatment.

One of the most important steps is to connect with your body while you're eating. Practice mindfulness with each bite. Appreciate what you're eating rather than eating so fast you can hardly taste or enjoy it.

Eating slowly also helps your body recognize how full it really is. Often, if you eat too much too fast, you feel as if you can't get up. It takes about 15-20 minutes for your tummy to send a single to your brain that you are full.

What are some other ways to stop binge eating?

Founder of BEDA, Chevese Turner discusses how binge eating affects your health, the difference between binge eating disorder (BED) and an occasional binge and ways you can stop this type of eating.

How to stop binge eating:
  • NEVER eat directly from the whole carton, bag or box
  • For sweets and treats, use small (4 ounce) bowls and cocktail spoons or forks
  • Practice mindfulness when eating
  • Learn the difference between boredom, hunger and cravings
  • Stop stress eating
4 Ways to STOP Binge Eating
Chevese Turner, President/CEO of the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA)
Chavese Turner Founder, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Binge Eating Disorder Association, Chevese Turner is the President and CEO of the Binge Eating Disorder Association (BEDA), which she founded in 2008 to bring recognition and resources to those who struggle.

Turner, who is in recovery from Binge Eating Disorder, has extensive experience in health care policy and advocacy as a result of her leadership positions within several large charity organizations and the healthcare industry.

She is thrilled to utilize these skills to "work for a cause" that touches her personally, and to elevate a community of sufferers that is vastly under recognized and under treated. She is passionate about education and is committed to providing programming through BEDA that will generate broad awareness and knowledge amongst healthcare providers and patients to assure increased access-to-care and treatments that meet standards of excellence.

A graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia, Turner received a BA in Political Science. She is a member of the Academy for Eating Disorders in which she serves on the Patient Care Committee and the 2016 Scientific Program Committee for the International Conference on Eating Disorders; the Eating Disorders Coalition, the International Association of Eating Disorder Professionals, and the Society for Non-Profit Professionals.