Selected Podcast

What Effect Does Giving Up Your Child Have on Your Health?

Most of society views women who give up their child for adoption as selfish or irresponsible. This may be a contributing factor as to why some women feel ashamed or guilty, even though adoption was the best option for them.

In many instances, women choose to opt for adoption, not because it's an easy way out of being a parent, but because it is in the best interest of the child.

So, how does a woman know that she's making the right decision?

These women aren't just giving up a child saying, "I'm done." They are making a careful, thought-out decision.

But, just because the child is now with a new mom, that doesn't mean the biological mom is free and clear of the mothering experience. Most women who deliver a child have some common postpartum experiences after child-birth.

There is also a lot of grief and loss that goes along with a adoption.

Liesl Einerson, LCSW, is a Counselor at The Cradle, an adoption agency in Evanston, Illinois. In this segment, she maps out the emotional process and complex issues that a woman goes through when choosing adoption.
What Effect Does Giving Up Your Child Have on Your Health?
Liesl Einerson
Liesl Before joining The Cradle, Liesl worked with foster care and adoptions, teen mothers, and post-adoption therapy.

Liesl is passionate about helping women and children and enjoys learning about new people and cultures. Liesl received her Masters of Social Work from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and she is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

Liesl works with adoptive families through The Cradle's Center for Lifelong Adoption Support and meets with expectant parents in the Chicagoland area.