Healthy Body, Healthy Sex Life

Regular exercise not only burns calories and reduces body fat, but it also gives your hormones a kick-start.
Regular exercise not only burns calories and reduces body fat, but it also gives your hormones a kick-start.

Exercise, in general, can pique desire for couples and make relationships more enjoyable.

The results of exercising can be one of the best gifts for yourself and your partner. It builds confidence because you physically look better and you have the energy to perform with your partner.

Listen in as Jen Hoehl shares how exercise can help improve your health and your sex life.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: train_your_body/1440tb2b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Jen Hoehl
  • Guest Bio: hoehlJen Hoehl epitomizes fitness and behavior change. As an accomplished athlete with several fitness and health accolades to her name, Jen has become one of New York's most coveted personal trainers and wellness consultants.

    With more than 15 years of experience in the fitness, health and wellness space as a fitness model competitor and trainer, Jen works with her clients to achieve their ultimate health goals. From weight management to muscle training, Jen guides her clients on every step of their exercise journey. She sees personal training and health as her passions and her profession and emotes her philosophies onto her clients. She is not only a true expert at the core, but an educator and motivational speaker. Her experience has been sought-after from clients and leading media publications.
    She has appeared in Lifetime's Health Corner, GMA NOW: Health, CBS News, MTV: True Life, and has offered health advice in WSJ, NY Daily News, Boston Globe and AOL's That's Fit.

    In addition to personal training, Jen serves as a contributing writer to CVS Pharmacy's ReInventing Beauty Magazine and holds NSCA CSCS and ACSM HFS certifications and a Master of Exercise Science.
  • Transcription:
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS