Jump Start the New Year Motivated

Motivation: What is it, and how can you generate it so you can sustain the energy to create the life you've always wanted?
Join the host of the Wellness For Life Radio Show, Dr. Susanne Bennett, as she shares how to jump start the year with a brand new you.

Dr. Bennett says you can create your own health "vision quest" by asking yourself five key questions.

With these questions, you can learn how to motivate yourself and sustain that motivation.  

So, how can you activate yourself to generate physical and mental energy so you can deliberately create your future and fulfill your dreams?

Find out how during this segment with Dr. Susanne.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/1502wl5a.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Susanne Bennett, DC
  • Guest Bio: Susanne5342 2 copyDr. Susanne Bennett is a chiropractic physician specializing in high performance health, allergies, clinical nutrition, anti-aging and lifestyle medicine, and is the best selling author of The 7 Day Allergy Makeover, a step-by-step program providing clinically proven, natural solutions to eliminate allergies and restore vibrant health from the inside out. As one of the country’s leading holistic allergy and wellness experts, Dr. Susanne has been promoting health and wellness for over 25 years. She hosts her own radio show, Wellness For Life (servicing over 200,000 iTunes subscribers), where she is devoted to sharing the best health strategies and providing easy-to-implement tips to improve your life and start feeling better today, the all-natural way. Dr. Susanne is also the CEO and Founder of PURIGENEX, a skin care company dedicated to non-invasive products and cutting edge formulations to help prevent aging, rejuvenate and restore optimal skin health. Her philosophy is that “healthy skin leads to better health.” As a mentor and lecturer, Dr. Susanne frequently speaks to professional and consumer audiences nationwide. She was recently honored to be a guest speaker at Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Academy where she shared her Ultimate Wellness for Life signature talk. Her work has been featured in numerous television outlets and publications, including Fox News with Dr. Manny, ABC Family Channel, Extra NBC, Good Day LA, Marie Claire, US Magazine, Woman’s World Magazine and OK Magazine.

  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC