Benefits of Barre

Katie Schrier, owner of Atlanta’s barre3 studio, explains the benefits of the popular new workout and what makes barre3 unique.
Barre studios are popping up everywhere. What is the a barre workout and what are the benefits?

Katie Schrier, owner of Atlanta’s barre3 studio, describes what you can expect from a typical barre class and who can benefit. She also shares her personal connection to barre3 and how she got started with it.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: sharecare/1511sc2b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Katie Schrier
  • Guest Bio: Katie Schrier Headshot 1Fitness and healthy living enthusiast, Katie Schrier, was one of the very first clients at barre3’s first flagship studio in Portland, Oregon, back in 2008. A serious runner and former Pilates instructor (trained in STOTT Pilates and also taught Pilates reformer and chair classes), she immediately fell in love with the company’s unique combination of yoga, Pilates and ballet barre work, low impact yet dynamic movement, amazing results and incredibly supportive and welcoming community. In 2014, she opened Georgia’s first barre3 in Atlanta’s South Buckhead neighborhood. Katie continues to be challenged by her ever-deepening barre3 practice, to be thrilled by the transformations that she and her clients experience in their bodies and to bask in the warm and wonderful barre3 community that has grown up inside her studio.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Darria Long Gillespie, MD, MBA