Cracking the Metabolic Code

If you want the key life-long health, vitality, and longevity... the answer is in your metabolism.

As a society, we are faced with various diseases, such as heart disease, obesity, cancer, diabetes… the list goes.

Dr. James LaValle, author of the book Cracking the Metabolic Code, explains his new approach to solving the cause of these diseases and other health problems.  

Lavalle explains that most chronic health problems, including stubborn weight gain, unbeatable fatigue, intestinal distress, high blood pressure, creeping cholesterol, and high blood sugar, are not found in simply one organ, but in several parts of the body (often times in twos and threes).

This is the result of years of slow, subtle challenges to your metabolism.

Find out how to avoid disease and keep your best defender healthy: your metabolism.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: wellness_for_life/1513wl5c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: James LaValle, RPh, CCN
  • Guest Bio: lavalle head shotJames LaValle, is a nationally recognized clinical pharmacist, author, board certified clinical nutritionist, naturopathic doctorate, and founder of LaValle Metabolic Institute, an interdisciplinary medicine facility in Cincinnati where he has served thousands of patients using his metabolic model for health. He also founded Integrative Health Resources 15 years ago, which is focused as a natural products industry consulting company. James has 27 years experience integrating natural therapies into various medical and business models. James is probably best known for his expertise in natural therapeutics application and drug/nutrient depletion issues and uncovering the underlying metabolic issues that keep people from feeling healthy and vital. As such he has written hundreds of articles for a variety of industry journals and publications, and has lectured for thousands of healthcare professionals and consumer audiences globally on these topics. He was a founding author of the NHI on Demand database and spearheaded the Lexi Comp databases relating to natural therapeutics.

  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Susanne Bennett, DC