Trick Your Brain into Exercising

Many times, your brain is your biggest obstacle to getting active.
?Most people understand that exercise is good for your body.

But, what many don’t know is that exercise has tremendous benefits for your brain. 

Many times, your brain is your biggest obstacle to getting active.

Neil Cannon discusses his work helping clients understand how to incorporate movement and exercise into their lives... from simple activities like walking 20 minutes a day to more involved exercises like paddle boarding or windsurfing. 

Neil also shares his 22 facts about exercise and the brain to help you understand why you need to get up, get moving, and get healthy.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/1546rr5c.mp3
  • Doctors: Neil Cannon, Health Coach
  • Featured Speaker: Neil Cannon, Health Coach
  • Guest Bio: Neil Nov13Neil Cannon is a health coach and the author of Mojo Multiplier. He is passionate about nutrition and fitness (and kitesurfing, windsurfing, wakeboarding and snowboarding). He wrote this book to support men in increasing testosterone naturally through nutrition and fitness. After 35, the hormone that makes men manly, testosterone, starts to drop off by about one percent per year. Unfortunately, this is accelerated by the lifestyles we lead and the environment in which we live. 

    Everyone is surrounded by hormone-disrupting chemicals and compounds which are found in our food supply, water supply, cosmetics, deodorants, shower gels, conditioners and plastics. Testosterone levels in men are 22 percent lower than they were just two decades ago, sperm counts have as much as halved, and operations to correct gynecomastia (man boobs) is the fourth most popular surgery carried out on men in the U.S. Men are being feminized. 

    Imagine what will happen if this trend continues? Neil is currently editing his second book in nutrition and wellness, The Vitality Secret, which reveals the health condition that underlies most, if not all chronic diseases, how it accelerates biological aging and why no one is talking about it.