Travel Well: Mind Over Body Fitness

Celebrity trainer David Kirsch tackles fitness while traveling.
Our Travel Well segment, brought to you by EVEN Hotels, tackles the challenges travelers face in staying healthy on the road, in the airport, or in a hotel room.

Madison Square Club founder and celebrity trainer, David Kirsch, joins Dr. Darria to tackle fitness while traveling; teaching travelers how to maximize a hotel room for a workout, as well as pack and use the right equipment.

He also shares his nutritional philosophy that can make restaurant eating a healthy endeavor.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: sharecare/1549sc2b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: David Kirsch, Celebrity Fitness Trainer
  • Book Title: Ultimate Family Wellness
  • Guest Facebook Account:
  • Guest Twitter Account: @DavidKirsch
  • Guest Bio: David-Kirsch croppedWith over two decades of experience uncovering and harnessing the powerful connection between mind, body and spirit, David Kirsch has become a leading authority on achieving optimal health and well-being at any age or fitness level. Throughout his years as a sought-after trainer, David has transformed the bodies—and lives—of countless devotees through his signature combination of mind-body conditioning, multi-tasking workouts and smart nutrition.

    From founding New York’s award-winning Madison Square Club to developing unprecedented supplements, classes and techniques designed to maximize workouts, David has been a pioneer in the wellness field throughout his long career.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Darria Long Gillespie, MD, MBA