Surviving Holiday Feasts

How can you stay healthy and fit over the holidays?
The holidays are filled with parties, decadent food, and alcohol... but, all of these indulgences do not have to turn into extra pounds once January rolls around.

You can design your holidays to be filled with parties and fun but also be healthy and wake up in the New Year proud of who you were over the holidays.

It's estimated that people gain one to five pounds during the holiday season, with normal-weight people gaining an average of one pound and overweight and obese individuals gaining about five.

While gaining one pound over the holidays may not seem like a lot, it has quite an impact.

Research suggests most people never lose that extra pound, so they add up year after year. This annual holiday weight gain can contribute to health issues, such as heart disease, type-2 diabetes,and obesity.

How can you stay healthy during the holidays?

Listen in as Life Coach Lauren Zander shares how you can survive the holidays with the temptation of food all around you.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: health_radio/1549ml4b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Lauren Zander, Life Coach
  • Guest Bio: Lauren ZanderLauren Zander is the Co-Founder and Chairman of the Handel Group®, an international coaching company based in New York City. She has spent nearly 20 years coaching thousands of private and corporate clients from around the world.

    Lauren's coaching methodology, The Handel Method®, was developed at MIT and is now being taught at Stanford Business School, NYU, Columbia, as well as in over 35 other universities and educational programs across the country.

    Lauren is a contributor for several publications and media outlets, including: The New York Times, the BBC, The Harvard Business Review, Forbes, Self, Women's Health, Men's Health, Vogue, Ebony, Cosmopolitan, Experience Life, Marie Claire, Family Circle, Elle, Prevention Magazine and The Huffington Post. She has been a featured expert on the Dr. Oz Show, The Dr. Drew Show, The Meredith Vieira Show, Fox and The BBC. Her TV special "Celebrity Life Coach" premiered on A&E's Biography Channel.

    Lauren lives in Westchester, NY with her husband and three children.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS