Look & Feel Younger in the New Year

What are some exercises you can do to look and feel younger?
At the beginning of a New Year, it seems like there's an enormous amount of pressure to set resolutions... many based off of looking and feeling good.

However, why should you have to wait for the New Year to set personal goals?

Exercise has proved to be extremely beneficial to your overall health, including helping you feel and look younger.

Listen in as Bill Fabrocini, PT, CSCS, shares how you can look and feel healthier at the start of the new year, as well as specific exercises that will help you achieve your goals.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: health_radio/1601ml1b.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Bill Fabrocini, PT, CSCS
  • Book Title: Younger Next Year: The Exercise Program
  • Guest Bio: Bill Fabrocini, P.T., C.S.C.S., is a clinical specialist in orthopedic physical therapy and a sports performance training coach. During his 25 year career, he has designed exercise programs for companies such as Massachusetts General Hospital and Aspen Ski Company. He has trained a lot of famous athletes, including NBA. MVP. David Robinson, Olympic medalists Chris Klug and Gretchen Bleiler, and tennis grand slam champion Martina Navratilova.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Internal Notes: No photo
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS