Ask HER: Talc/Cancer Link, Shin Splints & Lack of Workout Results

It's YOUR time on HER Radio. Be a part of the show... send your comments and ask your questions by email, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. It's time to Ask HER. Today, on HER Radio you wanted to know:

I just heard about the recent Johnson & Johnson lawsuit claiming the ingredient talc is linked to ovarian cancer. What is talc?

Talcum powder is made from the mineral talc. Talc is made up of silicon, magnesium and oxygen. It absorbs moisture and cuts down on friction. In the 1970s, talcum powder contained asbestos, but it's been free of asbestos since then.

A lot of these products are scented, so the fragrances can irritate people with allergies.

It's been suggested that talc might cause ovarian cancer if it travels up the vagina, through the uterus and to the ovaries. The results of research are inconclusive. If you visit the American Cancer Society website, it indicates that talc can possibly increase your chance of cancer.

With such mixed results, it's probably better to avoid talc for now. Talk to your pediatrician about the use of talc with babies.

What are shin splints? How can I avoid these?

Shin splints present as pain along the front of your lower leg. They're common in runners, dancers and people who are hammering their legs up and down. They often occur in athletes who intensify their routine.

To prevent shin splints, gradually increase your intensity and try to work with a fitness professional before amping up your training or workout.

Choose the right shoes to suit your sport. Runners should replace shoes every 350-500 miles. Consider using arch supports, especially if you're flat footed. Cross train with a sport that places less impact on your shins. Start new activities slower. Add strength training to your workout. To strengthen your lower legs, try calf raises.

I do cardio all the time, but don't see any results. Why?

You cannot outrun your fork. Don't chomp down a mountain of food after doing your cardio. Pitch the refined and processed foods. Eat strategically so it's satisfying to you. Make sure to incorporate resistance training in your workout and add High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) to your routine so you're doing cardio for a shorter time.

If you have a personal health question that you want answered, Pam and Michelle encourage you to send them in to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..