Selected Podcast

Recipe for Resilience

You have to take care of you.

You need to be resilient to get through every day. You must be able to rebound from whatever life throws your way.

Essentially, you have to return to you after all the nonsense.

Hop into that kitchen of life, and stir up your own resilience recipe. What ingredients resonate with you? Got any more to add?


  • 7-8 hours restful sleep
  • 5 minutes gratitude
  • 5-15 minutes meditation/prayer
  • 1-2 deep breaths per stress
  • 1-5 adapt & adjusts per stress
  • 10 acts of random kindness
  • 10 acts of self compassion
  • 1-3 joyful experiences
  • 20 laughs out loud
  • 30-60 minutes organize & plan
  • 15-20 minutes high intensity exercise
  • 1-5 connections with friends/family
DIRECTIONS: Mix and blend. Customize to taste. Enjoy daily.

Listen in as Dr. Pam Peeke shares how to become resilient.