Wednesday, 18 May 2016 12:33

Pleasure-Based Living for Better Health

We live in a pleasure-deprived society. The withholding and restricting of pleasure is a source of mental health angst.
We live in a pleasure-deprived society. 

The withholding and restricting of pleasure is a source of mental health angst. 

Dr. Theresa Nicassio, "The Inclusive Chef," believes we need to embrace more pleasure and forget about the judgement that surrounds it. Pleasure can encompass sexual, sensual, food, and beauty pleasure. 

How can you overcome a restrictive, guilt-infused life?

Choose to be a kid. Allow yourself to enjoy pleasure.

Dr. Nicassio suggests using her "twice as long technique." If you're looking at a sunset, hugging a loved one, or eating a decadent dish, you may typically give yourself a set period of time to enjoy those activities and then it's on to business as usual. Let yourself reside in the moment and relish it a little longer.

Listen in as Dr. Nicassio joins Andrea and Lisa to explain why pleasure is needed for a healthy, happy life, as well as tips for increasing the amount of pleasure in your life. 

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/1620ns3d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Theresa Nicassio, PhD
  • Book Title: YUM: Plant-Based Recipes for a Gluten Free Diet
  • Guest Twitter Account: @TheresaNicassio
  • Guest Bio: Theresa-NicassioDr. Theresa Nicassio (“The Inclusive Chef”), Registered Psychologist, author, and gourmet raw food chef, is an integrative mind-body wellness expert who has been educating and empowering clients, students and the public since 1987.

    Theresa also contributes to public awareness through public speaking, TV appearances, radio, social media, magazine articles, her blog,, and other media outlets.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH