Monday, 23 May 2016 16:59

Sun & Sweat: Exercising in the Summer Heat

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As May turns into June and the temperature steadily increases, we start finding any reason to get outside and get moving.

After spending the long, cold winter cooped up indoors (where we may have packed on those few extra pounds we like to call winter weight), the arrival of shorts, tank tops and bathing suits has managed to sneak up on us and is inspiring us all to knock off those pounds.

I know I can speak for myself, and I am sure for a few of you, when I say that I am sick of looking at that wall in front of my treadmill and exercise bike and I now want to take my exercise outside!

There are many added benefits to an outdoor workout to include production of vitamin D3 when the sunlight hits one’s skin, which is important to bone health and metabolic function, decreased depression, anger, and tension due to enjoying ones workout outside and saving money on those monthly gym memberships.

On the other hand, it is important to remember that exercising in the heat can be dangerous if you’re not prepared. Below are some tips to remember to ensure a safe workout when exercising outside this summer...

Prehydate, Hydrate & Rehydrate
Our bodies crave water! This becomes especially true during periods of high intensity activity or extended heat exposure. Water consumption should begin 72 hours before activity by drinking six to eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. During activity, one should drink six ounces of fluid (preferably water) every 15 minutes and should then rehydrate following activity with 32 ounces of liquid per one pound of fluid loss.

Use Sunscreen
Although the sun has great benefits, it can be dangerous if we don’t apply sunscreen. Understanding the sun protection factor, of SPF, is crucial to ensure correct application. The SPF rating is a measure of the fraction of sunburn-producing UV rays that will reach the skin. For example, SPF 30 means that 1/30th of the burning radiation will reach the skin. To determine the effectiveness of sunscreen, multiply the SPF factor by the length of time it takes for an individual to burn without sunscreen. It is also important to remember that the higher the number on the sunscreen doesn’t mean that it will remain on the skin any longer than the SPF with a lower number and it must be continually applied as directed.

Clothing Choice
One should wear loose-fitted, lightweight and light-colored clothing when exercising in the sun. The light color will help reflect the sun, the lightweight material will aid in quick evaporation of sweat and the loose fit will allow for air to circulate between the skin and the material.

Time of Day
If possible, complete all strenuous exercise in the morning or the evening. The sun is strongest from 11 a.m. until about 3 p.m., so unless you are training for an event that will take place during the mid-afternoon heat avoid training during those times.

Exercising outside can be great, but not if we ignore what our bodies are telling us. Emergency rooms and physicians offices fill up every year with people who weren’t exercising safely in the heat and then end up with dehydration, heat exhaustion or heat stroke. By listening to your body and following the above tips a summer filled with successful workouts.