Tips for Practicing Everyday Mindfulness

Practicing mindfulness improves both mental and physical health.
Mindfulness is something we talk about often on Rewired Radio ­and that’s because host Erica Spiegelman believes it’s an essential building block for a well-­balanced and healthy life.

Dr. Rick Jetter is a life-long educator who has first-hand knowledge of how important mindfulness is in our everyday lives.

Rick shares how his own recovery journey inspired him to understand and incorporate mindfulness into his own life.

He discusses what he hopes people will learn from his new book, Sutures of the Mind, which offers a 30-day path to mindfulness.

Rick also explains the importance of incorporating mindfulness into our lives as early as possible, rather than in response to a crisis or trauma, so that young people can move through the world with a strong understanding of the benefits and power of mindfulness.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: rewired_radio/1622rr5bPRODUCED.mp3
  • Doctors: Rick Jetter, PhD
  • Featured Speaker: Rick Jetter, PhD
  • Guest Bio: RickJetterDr. Rick Jetter is a book-writing and publishing counselor, an educational consultant, and a multi-genre author. He works with talented writers and authors on getting their work out to publishers for consideration.

    He also works with school districts across the nation through his narrative theory research platform when assisting schools or districts to improve their culture, student achievement, or community relations.

    He is the author of several books across various genres and is the founder of RJ Consultants.
  • Length Mins: 27