Selected Podcast

Stress Relief in 60 Seconds or Less

Yoga is proven to reduce stress. The nice thing about yoga is that you can practice it anywhere.

Stop and notice your posture. Move into mountain pose, which is standing or sitting with healthy alignment. Ears over shoulders, hip bones toward the ground.

Good posture facilitates breathing. Breathing is one of the best stress-relief mechanisms available. Watch your breath and live in the present moment. Abdominal breaths slow the heart rate and calm the blood pressure.

Listen in as yoga expert Carol Krucoff shares simple tips for stress relief in a minute or less.
Stress Relief in 60 Seconds or Less
Carol Krucoff, E-RYT
Carol KrucoffCarol Krucoff, E-RYT, is a yoga teacher at Duke Integrative Medicine in Durham, North Carolina, where she specializes in therapeutic applications of yoga for people with health challenges and co-directs the Therapeutic Yoga for Seniors teacher training, designed to help yoga instructors work safely and effectively with older adults.

An award-winning health journalist, Carol served as founding editor of the Washington Post’s Health Section and her articles have appeared in numerous national publications including the New York Times, Reader’s Digest and Yoga Journal. She is author of several books including Yoga Sparks: 108 Easy Practices for Stress Relief in a Minute or Less and Healing Yoga for Neck and Shoulder Pain, and is creator of the audio home practice CD, Healing Moves Yoga.

With her Duke cardiologist husband, Mitchell Krucoff, MD, she is co-author of Healing Moves: How to Cure, Relieve and Prevent Common Ailments with Exercise, and with Kimberly Carson, she is co-creator of the DVD, Relax into Yoga.

A graduate of Esther Myers’ Yoga Teacher Training and Nischala Devi’s Yoga of the Heart Cardiac & Cancer Teacher Training, Carol has been practicing yoga for more than 40 years and serves on the peer review board for the International Journal of Yoga Therapy. She created and taught a yoga program for seniors enrolled in a gerontology rehabilitation program at the Durham Veterans Administration Medical Center and also spent a decade studying martial arts. As a second-degree black belt in karate and Sensei, she taught martial arts for four years.