Selected Podcast

3 Steps to Improve Mobile Device Security

You conduct so much of your daily life every day on your mobile devices. What sensitive information do you keep on your phone?

What if someone gets a hold of your phone? Not only can they hack your accounts, but they can also find personal information like photos of your family.

How can you protect yourself?

1. Enable Password/Fingerprint Encryption. Most smart devices have a lock screen with a code. Newer iPhones are encrypted for fingerprints. If you don’t have it set up on your phone now, look into setting it up.

2. Set up Two-Factor Authentication with all key services. The way someone can hack your account is by getting your name and password. Many people use the same name and password across several accounts. If they hack your login from one site, they can take it to other sites. Many of these sites now send a secret code to your cell phone number if activity is suspicious. Google, Twitter, Dropbox, Facebook and Apple provide these services. Look it up to see how to set it up on your favorite sites.

3. Be aware of photograph GPS Data. Smart phones always know where you are. They apply GPS data to all of your photographs. This is generally a great service. But, when you post a photo to social media it often has the GPS data attached to it. Someone can pull that photo and look at the GPS information to find out where you live. Look for an EXIF app to remove that info from your photos.

Listen in as tech expert David Sparks shares his advice for mobile device security.
3 Steps to Improve Mobile Device Security
David Sparks
David SparksDavid Sparks is an Orange County, California business attorney and a geek.

David is also a podcaster, blogger, and author who writes about finding the best tools, hardware, and workflows for using Apple products to get work done. He writes for Macworld magazine and speaks about technology.