Thursday, 28 July 2016 18:41

The Angels Appeared: How I Was Led to My Life Calling

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Have you ever looked back on childhood and realized that you were being given divine guidance at a young age? Perhaps it was even clearer to you then and now you are again looking for the same peace and clarity you felt then.

Over the years, your spirit is always in the creative mode, forming a pathway toward the divine unfolding of your soul’s journey. Your inner guidance responds to your requests and desires by attracting the pieces and the people into your life that will help you grow and find purpose.

Into your twenties... thirties... forties... and onward, you will ultimately witness the perfect alignment of God’s hand in your life, even when through the most challenging times. As you seek supernatural inspiration, it will emerge in perfect time.

That is what I have been seeking for the past two decades (clarity, guidance and peace) even if the road seems challenging, foreign, or transformational.

It has taken me years of hard work, painful losses and surprise blessings, to get to this beautiful place. I know now that things did not have to be as painful as they were had I been more in tune, but I had lessons I needed to learn. I would never have gotten here had I not been there.

I am here to encourage you to keep going, even when things get difficult. No matter where you are, you can always ask for help and expect it to show up. You can trust your spirit to guide you back to your authentic self. You will know you when you show up because being in alignment means you feel at peace, full of joy and inspired about what is truly important to you.

This place of contentment has always been there waiting for you, and It will meet you right where you are. No judgment, no shame, no guilt – only a beautiful welcoming for you to fall into the purpose of your life.

When the Angels Showed Up

For me, I always knew my calling was to write, teach and lead people into places of more peace, healing and happiness. I could not have formed those words as a child, but there was something incredibly great inside of me, as there is in all of us, pulling me toward this place of spiritual surrender.

I felt incredibly close to God as a child, knowing beyond knowing that He loved me and that Jesus and the angels were always close to me. I specifically recall one powerful, but peaceful experience when God spoke to me when I was six.

I was standing in the courtyard of the Lutheran church I attended as a child in Tucker, Georgia, waiting on my Mom, who had a calling as a minister, to finish up inside. I felt God tell me He was with me and to look up into the sky above the woods behind the church. So I did.

He told me angels were going to be there for me and to watch. His pure presence filled me with overwhelming love as I watched the angels show up. Over the trees, I saw a glowing in the sky with many sparkling, orbs of light. There was a mass of several dozen of them, and time stood still… as did I.

Looking back, I am struck by how peaceful and right this felt. I did not question it nor feel perplexed; it just WAS. It was the perfect communion between God and my spirit. Standing there alone in the night air, knowing He was with me, I made up a song about love which stays with me to this day.

I often return to that memory and the pure, peaceful feeling that stayed with me through childhood. I felt intimately close to God and held a deep wish to never be pulled away from Him.

Fast forward over many years as life happened. Time took me by the gut and threw me into unthinkable challenges. Although many times I questioned the foundation of my faith, demanding answers from a God who I thought had left me, I knew deep down that He would never truly leave me. I know it was okay with Him that I got angry and pulled away for some seasons.

He understands the emotions in our hearts and loves us as our divine Father. He waits for us for as long as we need, never judging, always loving. Even in our resistance, he draws us closer to Him with open arms that never cease to embrace us.

Into my forties, he promised me through a series of continued messages and signs that He would create a purpose in my life that used all of the pain, all of the love and all of the broken pieces to form a profound calling on my life. I knew it would be bigger than I was. And over the past several years, while writing the book that would change me, I faced some of the most painful experiences of my life thus far. But somehow, right in the middle of it, God and my angels were revealed to me in ways that blew me into a new stratosphere of love, belief and purpose.

The Launching Pad

I have always known deep down that something huge was coming. The launching pad has shown up for me, as my first book has been published with co-author Denna Babul, The Fatherless Daughter Project: Understanding Our Losses and Reclaiming Our Lives, (Avery Press, 2016). I was finally able to speak some of my buried truth and find a way back to a light that I would share with the world.

My calling has continued its unfolding, as the years of seeds have started to sprout at my feet. I am deeply grateful for the launch of this book and sit in complete and humbled awe that God has chosen me for this work. Seeing our book on the bookshelves and in the hands of women who need healing has transformed me.

As we spread the message for fatherless daughters across the world, our deepest prayer is that healing seeps over the airwaves and into the spirits of other daughters who were also broken along the way. As Rumi said, “The wound is the place where the lights enters you.” I want to help others find their way back into the light that has been with them since childhood.

And I can’t wait to see where the angels show up next.