Friday, 04 November 2016 16:48

How to Turn Fitness Success into Life Success

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Fitness has become such a huge trend and a major focus in the industry is based on the physical aesthetics one can achieve with fitness.

However, do you know that you can truly learn lessons in the gym and apply them to your life to grow personally and professionally?

After training over 1,500 clients, I saw some amazing changes in their lives from finding new love to some of them becoming entrepreneurs. Seeing a physical change is absolutely lovely, but something bigger happens when you see the innate qualities that are developed through consistent workout habits.

Being dedicated to a workout program can prepare you to better manage your life, deal with obstacles and accomplish goals.

For the next three minutes, I want you to embrace a new way of thinking as I share with you how your life can improve by looking for lessons you learn in the gym like pushing past that last most challenging rep to conquering a new exercise that you once believed you couldn’t do.

Four Ways You Can Turn Fitness Success into Life Success:

1) Discipline & Goal Setting
Fitness training requires that you set goals and stay consistent to get results. It takes a high level of discipline to make fitness a part of your life. The beautiful thing is that once you see your ability to be disciplined with fitness and healthy living, you can transfer this skill set to other areas of your life where more discipline is needed to get results. I have seen people who learn how to set goals and successfully execute their fitness be translate this skill by executing on life changing goals in their professional lives.

2) Pushing through Obstacles
Mental and physical growth with fitness and weight training happens at the point when the exercise gets so challenging, that finishing one more rep feels like a struggle. Being able to push through the physical challenge in the gym can help you in your life.

Obstacles in life often appear in the form of challenges and feel uncomfortable. By applying the same discipline to push through a challenge with your fitness program, you will be able to accomplish goals in a shorter period of time by not getting stuck in your fear or comfort zone as now you will be familiar with what is feel like to push forward despite obstacles.

3) Confidence
Fitness training can improve your confidence and give you a sense of accomplishment. With your newfound confidence, you will approach new relationships, job opportunities and your life with a fresh outlook. Confidence breeds happiness, and studies show that happier people are more productive in their lives.

4) Perseverance
“Steadfastness in doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success.” One of the keys to accomplishing any goal is to persevere despite your current circumstance or the time it takes to see results. By sticking to your fitness program, even when you do not see all the fruits of your labor, your ability to persevere strengthens.

I want you to know that being successful in fitness is more than how you look. If you take the lessons you can learn and apply them to your life, you will grown exponentially.

If you are having a difficult time sticking to a workout program, the same attributes you use accomplish goals in other areas of your life can be used to change your mindset around fitness. For example, if you are dedicated to you job or to taking care of others, use that same level of discipline for yourself in that area to and apply it do the discipline it will take to workout three to four days a week for one hour.

At the end of the day, you can totally turn fitness success into life success and vice versa. Let’s make it happen!

Here’s to success and prosperity at every stage in your life!