Tuesday, 28 February 2017 00:00

Create Good Vibes Daily

Learn how you can use "good vibes" to manifest the life you came here to live.
Your mind can be a treacherous place.

Wherever thought goes, energy follows. Once you're stuck in a negative vibration and have gone down the rabbit hole, all that rumination takes over... disallowing you from moving forward and creating positive progress.

The problem is compounded by the constant stimuli and access to information in our current society.

How can you stop negative thoughts in their tracks? 

Shaman Isabella Stoloff suggests starting with this question: "Is this thought serving me?" The answer is usually no. Being aware can spur you to shift your thoughts to a place of productivity. Essentially, you leave yourself alone and get out of your own way.

Isabella's Good Vibes Positive Affirmation Cards, which she co-created with her daughter Victoria Craven, help you find those good vibes daily.

Each inspiring card is interwoven with high vibrational energy quotes and step-by-step instructions to assist you in manifesting the life you came here to live. When you release old stories, you create space in your mind to attract your deepest desires.

Listen in as Isabella joins Andrea to discuss the detriment of negative thoughts, as well as how you can shift that which is heavy and unpleasant into positive energy.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/ns735.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Shaman Isabella Stoloff
  • Guest Twitter Account: @isabellastoloff
  • Guest Bio: Isabella-StolloffShaman Isabella Stoloff is a dynamic leader. She founded the Orange County Healing Center in 2009 and since that time has committed herself to leaving the world a better place. Isabella has been called the Golden Condor and World Ambassador. She has traveled to connect people to their inner wisdom and provide ceremonies for the land. She has a full time practice, writes articles, a YouTube channel, and does guest spots to carry the message of enlightenment. Isabella is a mother and grandmother and understands what is needed today to raise a conscious family. Shaman Isabella feels honored to be on the planet during this time of great awakening. She feels once you empower yourself through positive thought and action you will feel connected and centered. Isabella’s message is to awaken to the light that you are, so you can become the Shaman in your own life.
  • Length (mins): 30:27
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH