Tuesday, 21 February 2017 23:50

Gym Goals: How to Save on Your Fitness Membership

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Thinking about joining a gym to meet your fitness goals?

There are steps you can take to help save on your membership fees.

Weigh Your Options

The good news is that there are endless fitness facilities around that you can check out. Many of them even offer complimentary trials where you will get the first few days or weeks for free.

After reviewing all your options, it will be easier to make a decision based on the one that suits you the most. It’s more motivating to stick with something that appeals to you.

The Best Deal

Draw up a checklist to help you make your decision based on the following points:

  • Decent changing rooms
  • Cutting-edge technology
  • Clean studios
  • Excellent personnel

Having ticked the above metrics, request for a session with the fitness club administrative director. Don’t shy away from this, as it is the chance to get a good deal. Make it known that you have been comparing notes on the available options.

You can request that the best rate you have been offered be matched and ask for other freebies. Some facilities offer guest passes and free sessions.

Pick Your Timing

The beginning of the year is not always the time for the best deals. Sometimes, close to the end of the month might be the best opportunity to get worthwhile deals, including clinching a free spa session or even taking advantage of a cut on membership fees. Check out “deal” websites for coupons. If you can afford to bide your time, you might end up with a really amazing offer.

Think About Skipping Swimming

Pool options might drive up the cost, but you might be able to earn a reprieve if you limit your planned use of the pool. If you’re only going to be in once a month, you might be able to reduce your fee.

In the alternative, if a pool is what’s padding the membership fee, you can opt for a facility that excludes a pool altogether.

Pick & Pay

Understand there are many components to the membership fee. By identifying your fitness goals and what you need, you can “cherry pick” the option that applies most to you.

This is one way to get a custom deal so that you are only paying for what you really use. Avoid paying for the whole package offered by the membership club with this approach.

Use the Time-Off Option

The time-off option is one way to reduce your bills. Heading out of town for an extended break? Approach your fitness center for a membership freeze. This may also apply when summer nears and you’ll be spending more time exercising outdoors.

The Home Gym

Using little space, you can actually set up a home gym and forget about membership fees altogether. While this might not possible for everyone, experienced fitness center users can easily adjust to working out at home.

Knowing the routine that suits you will help you get just what you need in terms of equipment. You may be able to save more money investing in your own equipment as opposed to joining a club. This is one option as you consider how to motivate yourself to new fitness levels this year.

Try Campaigns

A number of clubs offer campaigns that can help you reduce your fitness bills. Some allow you discounts for the days you have skipped at some point during the month.

There are a few franchises that provide prizes for top performers. In this way, anyone who drops the most pounds during the month gets a voucher for new summer wear or a training kit.

Pay When You Clock In

Debt busters have popularized this option, where you can limit your expense by getting your card swiped at the door as you clock in. While you might think you’d pay more, the reverse is often the case.

Some statistics from fitness club operators indicate that a greater percentage of those who pay at the door stay longer. Comparing both options, the commitment seems to be less for year-long subscribers.

Spare the Cash & Do the Time

The age-old saying “time is money” can be of benefit. At some gyms, you can put in a few hours as a class instructor or work at the front desk for a chance to use the facilities.

This is just one more option to save cash while keeping up with your fitness goals.