Look & Feel Better than Ever Before

Discover how you can get your life back on track, no matter what it is that’s pulling you astray.
Everyone reaches a place in life where concerns or conflicts have raised hurdles, either low or high, in their path.

It can be easy to lose your footing during life’s most challenging times. Obstacles such as health issues, financial concerns, and family troubles, as well as life-changing events such as marriage, divorce, new careers, relocating, and even the death of a loved one can leave you feeling off balance and without focus or hope.

Renowned radio host and health, fitness, and beauty expert Jane Wilkens Michael’s Better Than Before program is designed to help you get your life back on track, no matter what it is that’s pulling you astray.

With nine achievable rungs covering the most important aspects of physical and emotional wellness, her book, Long Live You!, motivates and inspires you to live your life to the fullest.

Whether you’re hoping to make positive health decisions, improve your emotional well-being, establish a support system, find your creativity, reconnect with your spirituality, or simply give something back to your community and the world, Jane can help you realign your life and discover your "Better Than Before."

Nine Rungs

1) Doctor's Orders
2) Emotional Well Being
3) Nutrition
4) Fitness
5) Beauty
6) Natural Remedies
7) Support
8) Spirituality
9) Giving Back

Listen as Jane joins host Lisa Davis to discuss more about the program and these nine rungs.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 1
  • Audio File: talk_healthy/tt96.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Jane Wilkens Michael
  • Guest Twitter Account: @JaneWMichael
  • Guest Bio: Jane-Wilkens-MichaelJane Wilkens Michael is the author of Long Live You! Your Step-by-Step Plan to Look and Feel Better Than Before, and the host of the Jane Wilkens Michael Show which airs nation-wide on iHeartRadio Talk.

    One of the country's foremost authorities on beauty, health, fitness and wellness, Jane writes frequently on all aspects of mind/body improvement.
  • Length (mins): 21:06
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Lisa Davis, MPH