Wednesday, 20 February 2019 16:53

I've Been Hit! 4 Common Sports Injuries and What to Do About Them

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Nature probably didn’t intend for human beings to play sports, at least not the way humans play them.

The variety of injuries that can happen to the fragile human body in pursuit of strenuous pleasure astonishes. Yet, humans persist.

Here are only four of the injuries that are often incurred while playing sports and what to do about them.

1) ACL Injury
The anterior cruciate ligament is one of four that keep the knee stable. The injury is most often caused when the knee suddenly twists or is struck with a heavy object. When a person suspects they have an ACL injury, they need to stop, immobilize their knee and follow the RICE procedure. This means, rest, ice, compress and elevate their knee as they wait for medical help. This injury is often severe and can lead to surgery. Your best bet when trying to minimize damage is to stay still and follow the doctor’s orders.

2) Rotator Cuff Injury
The rotator cuff is a complex of muscles and tendons that support the shoulder. It happens with a sudden, violent, overhead movement of the arm such as serving or lobbing a tennis ball. If a person feels they’ve suffered a rotator cuff injury, they should first make sure to rest and ice the area. Sometimes this is enough to heal the injury. However, because the human body is complex, these injuries have a huge range of severity. If you still feel pain after two or three days, schedule an appointment with a doctor.

3) Hamstring Injury
A hamstring is one of three muscles at the back of the thigh. Injuries to these muscles can be anywhere from mild to severe if the muscle ruptures. Injuries to the hamstring typically happen when the back of the thigh is hit or when the person falls hard or collides into another player. Typically, this injury occurs to the middle of the muscle but can also involve breaking the tendon away from the bone. In both cases, the leg should be rested, iced, and immobilized, making sure the hamstring is stretched out. Consult an athletic trainer, sports injury specialist, or physician about the best steps to take moving forward.

4) Injuries to Teeth
Though mouth guards have made injuries to the teeth less common, teeth are still knocked out during sporting activities. Injuries to the teeth are often an unfortunate accident in non-contact sports or a result of failing to wear proper protective gear. Though the sight of a knocked out tooth is fairly horrifying, it can be saved if quick action is taken.

First, pick the tooth up by its crown as opposed to its root. If it's dirty, it should be carefully rinsed with clean water, placed back in the socket and held there by handling the crown and kept moist in your mouth. If it can’t be put back in the socket, it should be placed in a cup of milk—not water—or tucked into the patient’s cheek if it can’t be replaced in the socket. An emergency dentist should be seen no longer than 30 minutes after the injury.

Whatever the nature of the injury, it is important that a person see a medical professional if it is severe or an emergency. When in doubt, see a medical professional. Timely treatment can prevent sometimes dangerous complications from developing. It might even allow the person to return to playing their favorite sport.