Friday, 22 March 2019 14:16

Sucker for Sweets? 4 Sustainable Strategies for Cutting Down Your Sugar Intake

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A sweet tooth can be hard to get rid of. Many people enjoy sugary foods as a fun treat, or they may turn to them for emotional reasons.

Whatever the cause, if you are serious about kicking the habit, it can definitely be done. You just have to make a plan and be very dedicated and diligent.

The following information provides four sustainable strategies for cutting your sugar intake that you may want to consider if you are unsure where to start.

Replace Sugary Treats with Healthier Options
Typically, sugary treats do not contain the necessary vitamins and nutrients you need. They are also high in calories and typically processed, which means they may contain harmful additives. Instead of consuming too many unhealthy sweet snacks, you might want to consider swapping them out for healthier alternatives. For example, there are many sweet fruits you might want to consider, such as apples, pears, strawberries, and melons. These will usually be healthier and lower in calories, which means you can eat more without gaining weight as long as you eat sensibly and are mindful of your calorie intake per day.

Make Better Shopping Decisions
It can be easy to forget your goals while you are grocery shopping, and before you know it, you have a cart filled with sugary items. Therefore, it can be helpful to make a list before you go filled with nutritious, healthy options. Having a list can help deter you from poor decision making. Additionally, it will streamline your shopping experience, so you have more time for other priorities.

Encourage Your Family to Eat Better
If your family or roommates purchase a lot of sugary snacks and bring them into your home, it can make staying on track much more difficult. It might help to have a discussion with them about your goals and ask for their support. Maybe they will join you on your journey or at least not eat these types of foods in front of you.

Read Food Labels
Many foods may have a high sugar content that you may not be aware of. For example, many types of bread contain a lot of sugar. When trying to reduce your sugar intake, it is important to arm yourself with the proper tools. Educating yourself about the contents of your food can make a big difference in the long run and can even help you lose weight. If your sugar intake is negatively affecting your waistline, you may want to reach out for help or find a local weight loss center, which can help you to learn how to make better food choices.

Overall, avoiding sugar all together would be nearly impossible. It is found in many natural produce items, such as fruits. Therefore, it is best to consume it in moderation and build a healthier relationship with food. Correcting your eating habits can be a very positive process that can lead to better health in the future.