The Importance of Touch in the Time of COVID-19

The era of COVID-19 is going to be here for a while, and the longer it goes on, the more we have to navigate and learn this new way of life.  

Reading through the Wall Street Journal, Dr. Pam came across an article on touch, and how people simply aren't using the art of touch as a means to destress anymore. But how can you use touch to your advantage while social distancing anyway?!?

Dr. Tiffany Field is the Director of the Touch Research Institute (and a friend of Dr. Pam) and tells us about the benefits of massage and touch in the age of COVID distance.
The Importance of Touch in the Time of COVID-19
Dr. Tiffany Field

Dr. Tiffany Martini Field is Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics, Psychology, and Psychiatry at the University of Miami School of Medicine and Director of the Touch Research Institute. She specializes in infant development, especially with regard to the impact of maternal postpartum depression on mother-infant interaction and the efficacy of massage and touch therapy in promoting growth and emotional well being in premature and low birth weight infants.

Field received the American Psychological Association Boyd McCandless Award for distinguished early career contributions to developmental psychology in 1979. In 2014, Field became the first psychologist to receive the Golden Goose Award for federally funded research on infant massage, an honor she shared with Saul Schanberg, Cynthia Kuhn, and Gary Evoniuk who established the beneficial effects of massage on growth in studies of rat pups.

Field is an author whose books include The Amazing Infant, Infancy, Touch, Touch Therapy, Complementary and Alternative Therapies Research, and Massage Therapy Research, as well as edited volumes.