Here Are The Realities of Ageism for Women

A woman's worth is often based on her fertility. And once you hit that critical stage, menopause, ageism kicks in fast. 

But guess what?! Aging isn't something just old people do. We're aging from the minute we're born. Hell, we're aging before we're EVEN born!

So why is there such a negative narrative surrounding aging? And how can we change the cultural perspectives, especially when it comes to aging women?  

Well, Ashton Applewhite is just the person to help us out. She is an author and activist, and a leading spokesperson for a movement to mobilize against discrimination on the basis of age.

She and Dr. Pam discuss ageism, what determines a woman's worth and value, the myth of "independent living," as well as 55+ living environments.
Here Are The Realities of Ageism for Women
Ashton Applewhite
Author and activist Ashton Applewhite is the author of This Chair Rocks: A Manifesto Against Ageism. In 2016, she joined PBS site Next Avenue’s annual list of 50 Influencers in Aging as their Influencer of the Year. Ashton has been recognized by the New York Times, the New Yorker, National Public Radio, and the American Society on Aging as an expert on ageism. She blogs at This Chair Rocks, has written for Harper’s, the Guardian, and the New York Times, and is the voice of Yo, Is This Ageist? Ashton speaks widely, at venues that have ranged from universities and community centers to the TED mainstage and the United Nations. She is a leading spokesperson for a movement to mobilize against discrimination on the basis of age.

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