Walk For Your Life

Are you ready to better manage your time? Lose weight? Improve your eating habits? Breathe more deeply and relax? Well, our guest is here to help.

Risa Orlinsky believes that wellness is NOT the absence of problems, illness, or other stressors in one's life. She joined FreeWalkers in 2010 on a dare to walk 50 miles in one day. While completing only 11 miles that day, Risa was immediately hooked on long-distance walking and has logged hundreds of miles since then. The nonprofit group's goal is to advance the health and well-being of the public by educating, motivating, and challenging people to participate in long-distance walking events.

Risa is also a certified health coach, personal trainer, and group fitness leader with the American Council on Exercise. (ACE). She holds a Master’s degree in Adult Fitness Management from NYU and wellness-coaching certification with Wellcoaches Corporation.

Her current business “Count on Yourself Coaching” offers wellness coaching, fitness consulting services, and motivational speaking engagements, with programs for individuals, groups, medical centers, and corporations. She has designed wellness programs for the JCC Association of North America and Atlantic Health.
Walk For Your Life
Risa Olinsky
Risa Olinsky joined FreeWalkers in 2010 on a dare to walk 50 miles in one day. While completing only 11 miles that day, Risa was immediately hooked long-distance walking and has logged hundreds of miles since then.

Risa is a certified health coach, personal trainer and group fitness leader with the American Council on Exercise. (ACE). She holds a Master’s degree in Adult Fitness Management from NYU and wellness-coaching certification with Wellcoaches Corporation. 

Risa’s current business “Count on Yourself Coaching” offers wellness coaching, fitness consulting services and motivational speaking engagements, with programs for individuals, groups, medical centers and corporations. She has designed wellness programs for the JCC Association of North America and Atlantic Health.

Risa, and illustrator Carol Hsuing, recently published their first book, "Why Walk.", a book of motivational pages that will get everyone walking. 

Being a proud resident of Maplewood, Risa is a founder of the community walking group SOMa on Foot (South Orange, Maplewood) and co-creator of Maplewood’s award-winning “Mayor’s Wellness Campaign”. She is past recipient of the Maplewood Chamber of Commerce “Citizen of the Year Award” (2014) and honored as a “Maple Leaf Award” for her continued involvement in community health activities. Risa is married to Mark Olinsky, an attorney and avid cyclist. They have two sons, Benjamin and Daniel; now living their own active lifestyles. 
