Working Out Together Can Strengthen Your Relationship

Can working out with a friend or partner help you build bonds that can last a lifetime? You bet!
Can working out together actually help your relationship? Can working out with a friend help you to cement that friendship and build bonds that can last a lifetime? You bet! The studies show more often than not, when a couple works out together and makes exercising together a priority, they can actually strengthen the bonds of that relationship.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 5
  • Audio File: train_your_body/1238tb2e.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Mary Anderson
  • Guest Title: Deputy Editor for FITNESS magazine
  • Guest Bio: mary andersonMary Christ Anderson is the Deputy Editor for FITNESS magazine where she oversees all fitness articles and collaborates with top trainers to create the exclusive exercise routines that run in the magazine. Prior to serving as Deputy Editor, Anderson was the Fitness Director at FITNESS, a position she held since joining Meredith in 2008. 

     Prior to joining FITNESS, she was a Senior Fitness Editor for Self magazine, where she developed, assigned and edited feature and front-of-book articles on fitness; she also worked at Conde Nast Sports for Women, helping to launch the publication. In addition, she created and served as editor in chief of the health and fitness website, which was voted Best of Web by

    She has written fitness feature stories for such publications as Men’s Health, Glamour and InStyle and has appeared on numerous TV shows, including Today, Entertainment Tonight, NY1 and VH1’s 100 Most Wanted Bodies

    Anderson attended Harvard University and graduated with honors in history and literature. She lives in Manhattan with her husband and children.



  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS