The right roommate can make all the difference when you’re focused on sobriety.

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  • Doctors Jesse Sandler, LCSW
  • Featured Speaker Jesse Sandler, LCSW
  • Guest Bio Jesse-SandlerJesse Sandler is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who specializes in cognitive behavioral therapy for people in addiction recovery. He works at a dual-diagnosis intensive outpatient program and has a small private practice in Los Angeles.

    Most recently, Jesse created MySoberRoommate, a new, free online community for sober people to find likeminded roommates. Aware of the crucial role that one’s living environment plays in maintaining a clean lifestyle, and frustrated that his clients had nowhere to search for and connect with sober roommates, Jesse decided to make one.

    He believes that through hard work, commitment, and hope, people can and do get better.
  • Length Mins 27
Learn how you can holistically recharge and replenish yourself.

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  • Doctors Nicole Coggiola, CIHC
  • Featured Speaker Nicole Coggiola, CIHC
  • Guest Bio Nicole-CoggiolaNicole Coggiola is a plant food-loving Holistic Health & Lifestyle Coach, and founder of The Nourished Goddess. Her mission is to teach modern day women how to embody their inner Goddess through real food, spirituality, pleasure and guiltless indulgence so they can fall head over heels in love with themselves. Since April 2010, she’s been on a health journey of self-recovery and is passionate about helping women break out of the restrictive, yo-yo diet cycle.

    Nicole is certified by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology. Through her transformative coaching, Nicole guides women to reconnect with their intuition, holistically recharge their lives with whole foods and self-care rituals, and develop a new normal for their everyday life.
  • Length Mins 27
Experts rarely talk about the moral issues raised by addiction.

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  • Doctors Yeshaia Blakeney
  • Featured Speaker Yeshaia Blakeney
  • Guest Bio Yeshaia-BlakeneyYeshaia Blakeney is the co-founder of Integrity Treatment Program and an addictions expert with 12 years experience working in treatment. Receiving his addictions counseling education at UCLA, he then received his BA from Antioch University, and is currently pursuing his Masters in Rabbinics at AJRCA.

    Specializing in spiritual counseling, philosophy of addiction, group facilitation and addiction education, Yeshaia's experience, knowledge and know-how is unique in the field of drug and alcohol treatment. Yeshaia has been in recovery himself since 2003 and his personal experience of addiction and sobriety facilitates a deep connection with his clients.

    Yeshaia is not your typical addictions specialist: a Hip Hop musician, philosopher, spiritual counselor, Rabbinic student, and perpetual learner, Yeshaia embodies passionate living in recovery.
  • Length Mins 27
“You’ve got issues” is not a phrase most of us like to hear.

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  • Doctors Anna David, Author
  • Featured Speaker Anna David, Author
  • Guest Bio Anna-DavidAnna David is the New York Times bestselling author of six books.

    She’s been published in the New York Times, L.A. Times, Details, Playboy and Women’s Health, among many others, and has appeared repeatedly on The Today Show, Hannity, Attack of the Show, Dr. Drew, Red Eye, The Talk and numerous other programs on Fox News, NBC, CBS, MTV, VH1 and E.

    David is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of the addiction and recovery site After Party Magazine, hosts the podcasts After Party Pod and You’ve Got Issues and is a coach who speaks at colleges across the country about relationships, addiction and recovery.
  • Length Mins 27
How can you make sure your online relationships and behaviors are keeping you healthy and safe?

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  • Doctors Ray Christian, CEO & Founder of Textpert
  • Featured Speaker Ray Christian, CEO & Founder of Textpert
  • Guest Bio Ray-ChristianRay Christian is originally from Washington, DC, where he worked as a CPA and business development executive.

    After years in the corporate world he founded Textpert as a platform for young adults to get relationship advice from anonymous friends. Ray built the company from scratch and in the process became an expert in the dating world and social media.

    He has been featured in Huffington Post, BuiltInLA, and many other outlets.
  • Length Mins 26:53
Regardless of age, we all have an inner child who needs love and attention.

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  • Doctors Noah Rothschild, LMFT
  • Featured Speaker Noah Rothschild, LMFT
  • Guest Bio Noah-RothschildNoah Rothschild, LMFT, is a renowned recovery psychotherapist, inner child expert, and speaker. With two decades of experience in addiction, he specializes in helping his clients remove emotional/mental blocks perpetuating their cycle of addiction and empowers them to show up and live their best life. He holds a Master's degree in Counseling Psychology from Loyola Marymount University and is Certified Teacher of Integrative Body Psychotherapy (a holistic body mind Psychotherapy).

    In 2004, Noah became a featured author in the book, The Alcohol and Addiction Cure, written by Chris Prentiss, founder of Passages Malibu (the world's leading holistic recovery center).

    At Passages, he was Lead Family Therapist for over seven years and developed a unique approach to treating addiction. His holistic approach, involves four key components:

    1. Power. You are POWERFUL and inside of all of us resides a powerful core. As a child we may have felt powerless, but as a grown up, we all have the power to show up and create our best life. Underneath most substance dependency is a lifetime pattern of codependency/agency (giving away one’s power to fix, please, or caretake another). Addiction is an obstacle that can only be overcome when we consciously choose to reclaim our power and be true to our self.

    2. Belief. Thought is the creative force in our life, what we think becomes the story of our life. Past unreleased negative beliefs/emotions stored from our earliest preverbal experiences in the womb and early years of our life are what eventually gave rise to our addiction. Freedom comes from removing these negative beliefs/emotions and replacing them with positive life affirming thought.

    3. Child. True Recovery lies in reclaiming the child within. Left to its own devices the child will find the same people and painful circumstances that have generated our addiction hoping to get it right. Unfortunately, the child can no longer get a "fix” by finding someone or something out there. You are the one the child has been waiting for. This child is the most powerful portal to release past pain, discover/recover self love, and reclaim the joy necessary to live a sober life. Noah gives practical tools and techniques to connect with and rebirth this child.

    4. Presence. The Present is the only point of power in life. In this moment we have the power to either recreate the past or make a new life affirming choice. Presence involves learning how to be comfortable with navigating the different emotions that arise on the sober path. It also involves developing a natural sense of well being in the body, so that you can find your inner power when times get tough. The quickest way to master the art of feeling and returning to well being involves utilizing your breath. Noah utilizes breathwork to release stored negative emotion from the body and teaches breathing exercises that can be used on daily basis to live a joyful sober life.

    Noah lives in Topanga Canyon, CA, with his wife Elizabeth, two sons Jacob and Levi, and their two guinea pigs. His psychotherapy practice is located in nearby Santa Monica, where he also conducts telephone or Skype sessions for clients outside of the greater Los Angeles area. He is a gifted speaker and singer songwriter, who has presented at Conferences and to general audiences speaking on the topics of Substance Abuse, Healing The Child Within, Codependency/Agency, Adoption issues, Family therapy, Mindfulness, Breath Work, and Body Mind Psychotherapy. He is currently writing a book on his holistic recovery approach.
  • Length Mins 27
When you’re struggling with addiction or working hard on your recovery, you sometimes forget that you have the power to achieve and do anything you want.

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  • Doctors Steve Wofford
  • Featured Speaker Steve Wofford
  • Guest Bio Steve-WoffordFrom content creator to transformational coach, Steve Wofford wears many hats... and none of them would be possible had he not undergone a personal journey through addiction and recovery.

    After two decades of struggling with addiction and general dissatisfaction with life, he began to let go and embrace the concept of a true recovery; one in which his universal energy was channeled appropriately. Since making this all-important discovery, he has turned his life around. His journey through recovery has allowed him to kick his addiction, lose weight, launch his own business, and be a better role model for his sons.

    Today, Steve strives to help others reach lasting recovery and life satisfaction. He uses blog posts, podcasts, speaking engagements, and one-on-one coaching to reach a variety of struggling individuals, help them square their recovery and achieve great things. His empathy and commitment have allowed numerous individuals to unlock their infinite potential and break free from the chains of personal disconnection.
  • Length Mins 27
External stimuli make it difficult to focus on our internal lives, which also need our time and attention.

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  • Doctors Chandresh Bhardwaj, Spiritual Advisor & Author
  • Featured Speaker Chandresh Bhardwaj, Spiritual Advisor & Author
  • Guest Bio Chandresh-BhardwajChandresh Bhardwaj is a spiritual advisor, speaker, and author of bestseller book Break the Norms.

    Based in Los Angeles, Chandresh started Break the Norms Movement with intention to awaken human awareness from its conditioned self. He is a world traveler and hold talks all over the globe, in Europe, Asia, and the Americas.

    Chandresh hails from a Tantra lineage of spiritual healers in India spanning over seven generations. He combines ancient wisdom with a modern approach to spirituality.
  • Length Mins 27
An important part of a healthy life is being positively connected to the people and places that nourish your soul and spirit.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/1632rr5bPRODUCED.mp3
  • Doctors John Berzner, Transformational Coach
  • Featured Speaker John Berzner, Transformational Coach
  • Guest Bio John-BerznerJohn Berzner characterizes himself as a Mystic who dances to the beat of a different drummer. Personal Growth and authentic spirituality are of great importance to him. He believes in Love and seeks it in its many splendid forms.

    Having a great concern for our environment, he actively participates in community service. It's essential to his well being to give back to society and empower all he interacts with. John is consciously evolved and sincerely interested in the journey of the soul. He meditates daily and love engaging in stimulating conversation that uplifts, inspires and stimulates the self-discovery process. He's open minded, loves to learn, and keeps firing new synapses.

    John lives a healthy lifestyle; body, mind and spirit. He is consciously aware, courageous, deep, passionate, and an emotionally intelligent adventurer who promotes spontaneity, innovation, creativity, imagination, impossibilities, equality and most of all balance. Stimulated by consciously evolved thought, his mission is "to empower others to be all they're capable of being."
  • Length Mins 27
Recovery is a journey, with many twists, turns, and mountains to climb.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/1632rr5aPRODUCED.mp3
  • Doctors Jay Viola
  • Featured Speaker Jay Viola
  • Guest Bio Jay-ViolaJay Viola is a biofeedback specialist, group facilitator and the Sober Living House Manager at Rebos in Los Angeles.

    Jay also teaches Muay Thai, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and mixed martial arts (MMA) classes and gives private lessons in these arts.

    An MMA fighter, Jay has a 7-2 record and has won two title belts. Jay maintains a 100% plant-based diet.
  • Length Mins 27
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