So many of our conversations about food focus on what we shouldn’t be eating.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr236.mp3
  • Doctors Shanna Mota, HHC, CNC, RYT
  • Featured Speaker Shanna Mota, HHC, CNC, RYT
  • Guest Bio Shanna-MotaShanna Mota is a Holistic Nutritionist and Yoga teacher. She has a passion for healing the body and mind through food, movement and meditation. For the past five years she has run 30-Day Detox programs as well as wellness retreats with the purpose of empowering others to fall in love with themselves and their lives through the holistic modalities she has learned.

    Shanna has also aligned herself with, an online health and wellness media channel and Organifi, a superfood supplement brand. Through working with these brands she is able to expand her reach and impact in this world.

    At Organifi, Shanna supports with product development, strategic partnerships and also educates the community on the power of healing the body with superfoods.
  • Length Mins 26:43
it’s when life is at its most challenging that we are getting our mind, body, and spirit ready to take on anything.

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  • Doctors Spring Washam
  • Featured Speaker Spring Washam
  • Guest Bio Spring-WashamSpring Washam is a well-known meditation and dharma teacher based in Oakland, California.

    She is a founding member and core teacher at the East Bay Meditation Center located in downtown Oakland. She is the founder of Lotus Vine Journeys an organization that blends indigenous healing practices with Buddhist wisdom.

    In addition to being a teacher Spring is also a healer, facilitator, spiritual activist and writer. Her upcoming book, A Fierce Heart: Finding Strength, Courage, and Wisdom in Any Moment, will be available in stores on November 7th, 2017.

    Spring has studied numerous meditation practices and Buddhist philosophy since 1997. She has practiced and studied under some of the most preeminent meditation masters in both the Theravada and Tibetan schools of Buddhism. She has studied indigenous healing practices and works with student individually from around the world. Spring has completed a six -year teacher-training program under the guidance of Jack Kornfield and is now on the teacher’s council at Spirit Rock Meditation Center in Woodacre, California.

    Spring is considered a pioneer in bringing mindfulness based healing practices into diverse communities and is committed to enriching the lives of disenfranchised people everywhere.

    She currently travels and teaches workshops, classes and retreats worldwide.
  • Length Mins 25:01
Our brains are powerful muscles that can propel us to new heights, but they can also hold us back if we get caught up in what we think we know.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr234.mp3
  • Doctors Rob Moore
  • Featured Speaker Rob Moore
  • Guest Bio Rob-MooreEver since A Course in Miracles transformed the self-study/self-awareness arena from a niche market into a multi-million dollar industry, people have searched for guides, gimmicks and gurus to help them achieve spiritual transformation.

    Rob Moore, author of THE CONSCIOUSNESS PAPERS and the companion workbook SELECT WISDOM, spent decades on the search himself, never imagining that one day he would be called to deliver messages to help guide others to the knowledge that was being revealed through him.

    Following a near-death experience in which Rob left the body and learned that everything beyond this life is going to be fine, he was able to embrace a new perspective on his existence here in the present armed with the knowledge that things were "as they should be." This escalated his internal desire to reach higher levels of truth, but meant deep changes like ending a long-time dependence on smoking, which he successfully overcame.

    Less than a month later, Rob perceived his first words from a higher place. As messages came down the pike, it rapidly became apparent that what was happening was beyond anything his brain could possibly produce; entire concepts were delivered to him that were beyond anything he had put conscious study into. He wrote them down and kept coming back to these pages again and again. As days passed into weeks and eventually years, the words became Rob's reality and, more profoundly, they illustrated levels of reality beyond his ability to cognitively formulate into sentences.

    After ruminating on these words for ten years, he felt compelled to publish THE CONSCIOUSNESS PAPERS: 90 Days of Consideration and its companion piece, SELECT WISDOM. Together they represent the organizing of these ideas into a simple, twice a day meditation on "being" that will add up to a more fulfilling, rich and conscious life.
  • Length Mins 27:28
Navigating the complex system of recovery resources can be overwhelming, especially when you don’t have the luxury of time.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr233.mp3
  • Doctors Chris Freeman, Recovery Advocate & Co-Founder of SoberWorx
  • Featured Speaker Chris Freeman, Recovery Advocate & Co-Founder of SoberWorx
  • Guest Bio Chris-FreemanChris Freeman is a Recovery Advocate and Co-Founder of the SoberWorx recovery resource and advocacy website.

    Chris is widely recognized as the heart and soul of SoberWorx. If you ever need help he’s there, 24/7, phone in hand ready to help, and if he can’t you can be sure he knows someone that can. Chris is the guy everyone knows, he’s the man who connects all the resources together; without Chris there would be no SoberWorx.

    Everyday Chris starts his day online, looking for that single resource that could save a life, and the last thing he does is make sure his phone and tablet are charged in case anyone needs help through the night! Chris has a heart of gold and his reason for living is to help others, he maintains his recovery is based on giving back to others, and that’s what he does, seven days a week, 365 days a year!

    Chris’s journey to sobriety has been a long and hard journey, he’s experienced so many things that his viewpoint and focus makes him a key founder in SoberWorx.

    Chris and his fellow co-founders Adam Mitchell and Robert Apple all work tirelessly to bring people in need resources, be it a therapist, a sober living home or just a listening ear.
    At SoberWorx we strive to give direct, honest help and assistance to individuals and families seeking a solution during their time of need.

    SoberWorx is founded on a very simple premise; we want to help save lives, reduce the negativity and advocate change. To accomplish our goal, we have brought together some of the very best, and most vital resources, websites and recovery based media into one central destination on the internet.

    We started SoberWorx in the U.S. and the U.K. to help families and individuals find addiction recovery resources, such as counselors, treatment centers and sober living homes using our brand new custom software and mobile app.
  • Length Mins 26:33
Recovery is a journey that can often feel difficult and lonely.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr232.mp3
  • Doctors Jason Turner, CEO and founder of Recover Strong
  • Featured Speaker Jason Turner, CEO and founder of Recover Strong
  • Guest Bio Jason-TurnerAfter a 10 year active military career and at the brink of utter collapse, owing to his own substance use, Jason Turner realized that something needed to change. The pain of continuing down the road he was on, was for the first time, more than the pain of making a change. It is from this realization and the belief that challenges overcome create change that Recover Strong began.

    After addressing and recovering from his own challenges, Jason felt compelled to give back to the community of recovering addicts. His passion for helping others is limitless and he has spent the last twelve years working in the treatment industry. During this time he also attended Arizona State University in order to complete his academic training acquiring an MSW degree.

    Over the years, Jason became more and more convinced that we could do more to help those suffering from substance use disorder. It wasn’t until a serendipitous event at a Crossfit gym in 2015 that it all came together for him. In the cold of a Northern Arizona December Jason walked into a Crossfit gym for the first time. As so many do their first time he felt self-conscious, unsure, and afraid. After pouring 100% effort into the workout of the day and not completing all of it, he felt defeated. Outside the gym during the cool down run an older gentleman who was also a class participant began running with Jason encouraging and supporting his commitment to change. Jason felt something that took him back to his earliest days on the path of recovery; connection and community. In that instant it came together in his mind that a sense of connection and community were imperative to the suffering addict, and that he needed to find a method to transmit these to his clients. Recover Strong was born!

    In December of 2016 Jason assumed the role of CEO of Granite Mountain BHC. Since then he has be instrumental in the reclamation of the organization and the implementation of Recover Strong, and its principles, as the core of Granite Mountain. Under his leadership Granite Mountain has entered into a new epoch of its history, and is quickly becoming known within the industry as a powerful agent of positive change for the clients and the status quo of the industry.

    The pillars of Commitment, Connection, and Community and their sister principles integrity, love, and loyalty have become the foundation of not only Jason’s life but the Recover strong program.
  • Length Mins 28:13
Anger can profoundly affect your life.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/1641rr5a.mp3
  • Doctors Todd Stumbo, CEO of Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center
  • Featured Speaker Todd Stumbo, CEO of Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center
  • Guest Bio Todd-StumboTodd Stumbo is a Board Certified Humans Services Practitioner, a National and State Certified Addiction Counselor, Relapse Prevention Specialist, Certified Anger Management Specialist and Certified Nonviolent Crisis Intervention Instructor. He has over a decade of experience in addiction and currently is the Chief Executive Officer at Blue Ridge Mountain Recovery Center, a short-term intensive residential facility in Ball Ground, GA, that targets males and females ages 18 and up. He specializes in employee training and growth as well as program development and expansion. He is skilled in individual and group therapy focusing on education of the disease of addiction, the recovery process and relapse prevention. He also is versed at anger management counseling and public speaking. Todd has managed teams as small as three employees and as large as 57 employees/50 clients. He has lead them in developing and adhering to day to day activities/schedules, clinical modalities, operational demands, addiction and recovery education and requirements by multiple regulatory agencies.

    Todd has helped transform not only the clinical programming at Blue Ridge but also the culture. He has helped staff see that how they treat each other and the clients is just as or even more important than the treatment they provide. He has been vital to the growth of Blue Ridge and was rewarded by Acadia Healthcare in December 2015 by being given the role as Chief Executive Officer. Todd’s story of adversity, passion and commitment to a cause has launched him forward in his career and has been well received by those around him including the leadership at Acadia.
  • Length Mins 27
What are we teaching our children if we don’t know how to disagree?

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr230.mp3
  • Doctors Michael Wetter, PsyD
  • Featured Speaker Michael Wetter, PsyD
  • Guest Bio MIchael-WetterDr. Michael Wetter is a Diplomate and Fellow of the American Psychotherapy Association, and has served as an Oral Examination Commissioner and Subject Matter Expert for the California State Licensing Board of Psychology.

    He is an active member of the American Psychological Association, American Academy of Psychologists, the National Alliance of Psychology Providers, and the California Psychological Association. Dr. Wetter is a nationally recognized expert in the field of Psychology, published author, and an invited speaker and guest lecturer, training other psychologists and mental health professionals.

    Dr. Wetter has served as an expert consultant on numerous television programs, as well as to publications such as the Washington Post, Boston Globe, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Men's Healthy Magazine, Forbes Magazine, Prevention Magazine, and Redbook Magazine. His research in the field of anxiety has been accepted in the United States Memorial Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C., and his theories on the subject of "anxiety transmission" have been published extensively.

    In addition to his private practice, Dr. Wetter is on the clinical staff of Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, where he has served as the Associate Director of Psychology at the Center for Weight Loss, as well as manager for General surgery, Plastic/Reconstructive surgery, and Bariatric surgery. He is a Clinical Instructor of Surgery at Cedars-Sinai, one of the only psychologists to receive such distinction.

    Dr. Wetter formerly served as the Chief of Adult Psychiatry Service for over 9 years at Kaiser Permanente Medical Center in Hayward, California. He has worked as an adjunct professor on the undergraduate and graduate faculties of the Dominican University of California in San Rafael, Harold Washington College in Chicago, California State University at Hayward, and Las Positas College in the Livermore Valley.
  • Length Mins 26:38
In the quest to curb addiction, we often forget that true freedom from addiction means more than just rehabilitation, it means transformation.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr229.mp3
  • Doctors Martin Angelo, MDiv, CAP
  • Featured Speaker Martin Angelo, MDiv, CAP
  • Guest Bio Marty-AngeloHe thought he had it made... Marty Angelo worked in the entertainment business from 1965 to 1980 as a musician, television producer, record promoter, disk jockey, restaurant and nightclub owner and personal manager for rock 'n' roll bands, Raven and the popular Top 40s rock group, The Grass Roots starring Rob Grill.

    He received his first professional breaks from "the late Jimi Hendrix" and "the late George Harrison." Angelo also created, wrote and produced the '70s very popular dance television show, Disco Step-by-Step® and in 1978 was voted one of the Top 25 disco record promoters. He promoted hundreds of hit albums, singles, and 12" disco 45s, receiving numerous recognition awards for his efforts. Angelo is featured in several documentaries, magazine articles, and radio/television productions.

    Though at times Angelo thought he achieved success, internally he always felt emptiness in his heart. He sensed his life neither had real meaning nor true purpose. Nothing ever seemed to matter to him. Consequently, he lived a rebellious, sin-riddled out-of-control lifestyle. Angelo was arrested in 1980 for two counts of possession of cocaine. Through this life-shattering event he experienced a "new beginning," a dramatic and electrifying conversion to Christianity. This miracle happened in 1981 prior to serving two-and-a-half years in a federal prison. God forgave Marty's sins, blessed him with everlasting life and filled the void in his heart with His Holy Spirit. His life finally mattered as he discovered God's true plan and purpose. If God can change Marty Angelo He can change anybody... Angelo helped many prisoners during his incarceration explaining to them that if God can change his life He can change anybody... including hardened convicts, drunkards and drug addicts. Many followed his advice.

    Marty was released from prison in 1984 and is living his life as an example to other ex-convicts and former drug-addicts and alcoholics who want to serve God and be used by Him for His glory. For more than 30 years, Marty Angelo has worked with various ministries such as; Prison Fellowship Ministries, Teen Challenge of Southern California, The Fort Lauderdale Rescue Tabernacle (Faith Farm), and the Drug Abuse Foundation of Palm Beach County. Angelo also provided nine years of personal in-home health, medical, and spiritual care for his parents, "the late Dr. Martin and Marie Angelo."

    Angelo is the author of the powerful life-changing biography-memoir entitled, Once Life Matters: A New Beginning. His book reveals how God totally transformed his life of sin into a strong witness of His saving grace, mercy, and love. The book is offered free to prisons, jails, rehab programs, college campuses and troubled celebrities.

    Marty Angelo is currently a full-time minister to prisoners, substance abusers, college students and troubled celebrities. His nationwide ministry reaches out to prisons and jails, rehabs and support groups, colleges, high schools & churches and to various celebrities. He is also the author of 10 books. Angelo has appeared on numerous popular Christian radio shows and television programs such as The 700 Club, I'm Just Sayin', Praise the Lord, Celebration and 100 Huntley Street.

    His testimony was dramatized in 1987 on the popular nationwide radio program, Unshackled. His story was published in Voice Magazine and in various other print and internet media.
  • Length Mins 26:38
It’s time for us to consider that recovery means more than being free of drugs, alcohol, or harmful behaviors.

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  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr228.mp3
  • Doctors John Wolf, President & CIO of Medlab, Inc.
  • Featured Speaker John Wolf, President & CIO of Medlab, Inc.
  • Guest Bio John-WolfJohn Wolf is the president and CIO of Medlab, Inc., a clinical toxicology laboratory based in New York State that serves addiction recovery treatment programs from Buffalo to Brooklyn.

    John has been working or volunteering with laboratory automation since he was 14 because his neighbor owned a lab and let him help with a start-up in the late 80s. After college, John focused his attention on marketing and analytics but after working for HSBC, Acxiom Marketing and developing software for the home healthcare giant CareCentrix, he returned to his roots and took the helm of Medlab in early 2007.

    Since then, John has introduced new methods for reducing work, lowering cost and simplifying the way labs work with clinicians. The heart of Medlab is patient-centric reporting that considers a patient's history relative to current test results.

    John is currently working with Erica Spiegelman's REWIRED philosophy to craft new metrics of wellness and recovery that go beyond anything previously conceived. The overall goal is helping a person self-monitor for a sustained, successful recovery and a long, healthy life.
  • Length Mins 26:38
When you experience trauma as a child, it can often have long-lasting effects on your life as an adult.

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  • Segment Number 1
  • Audio File rewired_radio/rr227.mp3
  • Doctors John Mabry
  • Featured Speaker John Mabry
  • Guest Bio John-MabryJohn Mabry serves as Director of Public Outreach and the host of High Sobriety podcast for Addiction Campuses. He has a Masters in Counseling, is an inventor, award-winning speaker, actor and stuntman with 12 years in the Screen Actors Guild. His work has been featured on NCIS, ER, the movie Superbad, People, USA Today, etc. He has also competed in triathlons. All of these accomplishments followed a leg amputation from a car accident.

    Mabry struggled with addiction, depression and PTSD for over a decade following his accident. Things got significantly worse, however, after he found his brother dead from a drug overdose in his Beverly Hills home. John went from parties at the Playboy mansion to living in a trailer in Tennessee.

    John has a passion for talking with audiences about the importance of processing early childhood trauma. This became apparent to John when a trauma therapist gave him Crayons and compassion, which opened the floodgates to previously unknown early trauma in John's life that shaped his addictive mindset way before his car accident and brother's death.
  • Length Mins 25:57
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