It’s quite impossible for a couple to have never experienced a bump in the relationship road. These blips come as a part of the package. 

The tricky part is how you address them. Ignoring conflict and allowing it to cause irreparable damage can be extremely detrimental. 

A once-stable relationship doesn’t break overnight; the signs show up fairly early… long before things get messy. When you deal with the initial signs the right way, you can nurture your relationship and get back on track. 

A relationship requires daily care. Just like you water a plant and make sure it gets adequate sunlight, you need to sprinkle some love and shine a little more attention each day. 

If you haven’t made any effort to fix things or don’t realize what went wrong, consider these seven factors.

Is Your Workout Not Working Out?

Wednesday, 08 June 2016

Any workout routine requires ample amount of dedication and sacrifice to see positive results. Many people fuss that in spite of their four months of effort, they have seen absolutely no change and wonder where they went wrong. 

Each individual is unique. While some can lose weight quite quickly, others won’t see the same results with a similar routine and diet plan. Even if you can lift over 250 pounds or run miles upon miles effortlessly, you will not necessarily get shredded. 

Every ineffective workout can be a result of multiple reasons. Keeping a good check on those factors can get you back on track and allow you to see the results you’ve been desiring. 

Keep reading for the six reasons why your workout might not be working out.