America, we have a problem. More than two-thirds of adults in the U.S. are overweight or obese. The statistics are staggering, but they shouldn't lead us to believe the problem is insurmountable. In fact, it's not, and there's plenty of proof. More than a half-million people have lost over 50 million pounds by learning to conquer their food cravings that have little to do with physical hunger.

Because our food choices are mostly driven by emotional rather than physical hunger, we eat to satisfy some kind of longing. It's critical that we redirect our emotional eating.

Every time you're at a decision point with food -- which, by the way, happens over 200 times a day for most Americans -- stop and take a few breaths. Ask yourself: What is the best choice for the body I want?

Beat the defeat of unhealthy eating habits and get back to your optimal weight by using these seven strategies that work.