According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are approximately 338,000 personal trainers in The United States alone. 

Just like any other field, you have “rock stars” who are the real deal, some above-average people, some who are merely competent, and others who have no business training people. 

We turned to Vince Sant, a certified fitness trainer and co-founder of the fitness platform to help you assess where your trainer falls on the spectrum.

When it comes to exercise, some people prefer going for a run, others enjoy a spin class, others may prefer a gym while others opt for a workout mat in their living room. To break down the pros and cons of at home workouts, we spoke with Vince Sant, Fitness Expert, Certified Trainer and Co-Founder of V Shred an online fitness portal based in Las Vegas, Nevada.

According to Vince, the key is to create a workout regimen that is sustainable. “You really want to create something that is fun, fast and effective. When considering an at home workout it’s important to get honest and determine if it’s a match for your exercise style and mindset.”

That said, let’s get into it.

Many people start their year off buying a gym membership and new gym attire. 

While the first step to transforming your body is, in fact, deciding to commit to restructuring your lifestyle at the gym and in the kitchen, it is common for people to make mistakes that jeopardize their progress. These mistakes can chip away at their enthusiasm to work out and ultimately result in people giving up on their goals.

“As a trainer, my job consists of helping clients assess where they are and where they want to be. Giving them a clear pathway helps avoid mistakes that often cause people to quit too soon and forfeit their goals,” says Vince Sant, the co-founder and lead trainer of V Shred, the online training platform that has taken the world by storm in recent years.

Vince says these are some of the most common mistakes people make when starting off their fitness journey.

If you follow fitness trainers or enthusiasts on Instagram, we are besieged by women at the gym who look supremely confident, airbrushed and without a bead of sweat. 

The reality is, most of us don’t look or smell our best after a tough workout. Not everyone is comfortable walking into a class of strangers in form-fitting gym clothes. And, what about the sounds our bodies make when we are working out? What about those of us who want to exercise but feel we are too heavy to even begin a program? 

Fortunately, we have Certified Fitness Trainer, Model Turned Fitness Expert, Instagram Fitness Guru and YouTube Sensation Vince Sant, co-founder of the online platform to answer the questions you are too shy to ask.