April is Alcohol awareness month, and its main focus is to bring attention to the alcoholism issue that is still very real in America. 

Alcoholism does not discriminate. It touches all walks of life and not only affects the alcoholic, but all those who are involved in the alcoholic’s life. Having said that, if you do know someone with a drinking issue, it is time to start considering trying to get them help and informing them you are worried about their situation. 

This is not something that is easy to do and it definitely doesn't always go well. Just always remember this: If you are trying to help someone, you are trying to save their life. It's okay if it doesn't go well as long as your intentions are good! 

Here are some tips if you plan on confronting someone you know.

Addiction does not discriminate. 

Growing up, when I heard about people addicted to drugs I thought of the homeless-type person, living in a box under a bridge. Not the mom with three kids and two jobs, not the hard-working pre-med student, not the high school teacher… you get the idea. 

So, surely for me, a (mostly) happy young man who grew up in a beautiful suburb with loving parents and plenty of potential, it was quite the shock once I admitted to myself I was a drug addict at the age of 20.