Selected Podcast

Let's DISH about The Meadows & their 30th Anniversary Celebration

At The Meadows, we offer a comfortable place to live and thrive. We provide you with the means to live as independently as you like. There are a number of independent and assisted living options in our sprawling community. Enjoy the great Clarion, Iowa outdoors the way they were meant to be enjoyed. Interact with other happy residents. Live out the best years of your life without having to worry about home maintenance. Our friendly staff is always on-hand to make sure you have everything you want and need. Plus, you will have direct access to Iowa Specialty Hospitals & Clinics.

Let's DISH about The Meadows & their 30th Anniversary Celebration
Featured Speaker:
Ryan Lobdell, Meadows Leader

Ryan is the leader of both The Meadows Independent and Assisted Living facilities.

Let's DISH about The Meadows & their 30th Anniversary Celebration

Gina Schnathorst (Host): Welcome to the Iowa Specialty Hospitals Clinics' ISH Dish Podcast, practical health advice from Iowa Specialty Hospital experts. We want to connect the members of our communities with the latest healthcare information that's understandable, relatable and useful to your daily life.

Host: In the studio today, we have the one, the only, Ryan Lobdell. He is our Meadows Senior Living, Independent and Assisted Living Leader.

Ryan Lobdell: Correct.

Host: How are you?

Ryan Lobdell: Good. How are you?

Host: Good. We have some exciting things coming for Meadows. But before we get into that, we just want to the listeners what is the Meadows, what's available. It's so magnificent over there.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes, it is. We have 37 units. Our smallest is a one-bedroom, and that's about 580 square feet. And our largest is three-bedroom deluxe right at about 1200 square feet.

Host: That's big.

Ryan Lobdell: That is.

Host: It's impressive.

Ryan Lobdell: It is. It makes it nice nice for ones that really don't want to downsize and want to keep everything when they move.

Host: Right. So, let's start from the beginning. So let's say I'm Jane Doe. And I decide, you know, I don't want to do this scooping snow and yard work and all the things. I'm retired. The minimum age, which is 55...

Ryan Lobdell: Which is 55. Correct.

Host: And so, I qualify for the Meadows. And I give you a call and, lo and behold, let's say that three-bedroom deluxe is available. So, what's the next step?

Ryan Lobdell: So, the next step would be to fill out a waiting list form. And typically, the people do put down a hundred dollars deposit. That kind of moves them up higher on the list--

Host: Priority.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes. Than somebody that doesn't. So, the ones with a hundred-dollar deposit will be the ones called first before the ones that don't have a deposit.

Host: That's really good to know.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes, it is. So, the next process would be you could come out and look at it and decide if that's the size of apartment that you are in market for.

Host: So, you obviously give tours.

Ryan Lobdell: Absolutely. Yep. The two, three-bedroom deluxe, they do have a washer-dryer hookup within the apartment, which is nice. But then, there's also onsite laundry that you don't have to use coins to operate them, which is another nice feature.

Host: That is nice. Yeah.

Ryan Lobdell: We do have noon lunch. And that is 650. How that is done is that we put it on your bill at the end of the month.

Host: Okay. You just tally those up throughout the month?

Ryan Lobdell: Yep. And just show up for lunch. You don't have to make a reservation.

Host: And I'm going tell you right now, I have heard those meals there are spectacular.

Ryan Lobdell: They are, yeah. And my administrative assistant, she also does the cooking and the baking and stuff. She makes homemade desserts, which they really like that. They really like that. Yes, absolutely.

Host: Yep. Okay. So, I've gotten the tour. And now say, okay, the apartment has become available that I want and you're calling me. So, what's the next step after that?

Ryan Lobdell: Then, the next step, we'd do some paperwork. And then, you would tell me when you'd want to move in. And typically with the apartments, we do go in and clean them and have the carpet shampooed and stuff. So, it's just like moving into a brand new place.

Host: Sure. Okay.

Ryan Lobdell: Yeah. Kind of freshen up the place.

Host: Do I get to meet all my neighbors? Is there like meet and greet, do that my own?

Ryan Lobdell: Usually, what I do is I make an announcement lunch say "By the way, you know, Mary Jane's moving in. So, she'll be moving in like this week sometime, so just welcome her and stuff."

Host: Yeah. So then you're not shocked new face roaming around.

Ryan Lobdell: Exactly right. Yeah.

Host: Yeah, that's nice. I do have a list here of some of the amenities included, and we're talking about independent living right now, correct? Not assisted living.

Ryan Lobdell: Right.

Host: So for one affordable monthly base, you get to experience all the benefits of maintenance-free living, which is huge. All utilities are included, correct?

Ryan Lobdell: Yes.

Host: Optional cable, optional internet and optional mail and delivery. You get direct access to the Iowa Specialty and the Wildflower Cafe. I think this as a selling and as a benefit are huge. Because you never have to go outside to the pharmacy, the Wildflower or the hospital, the clinics, it's all within the same roof.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes, that's correct. And, you know, that's a big selling point to know that you're attached to the hospital if there would be an emergency or that you wouldn't have to go outside at all. You're just directly down the hallway from the hospital and the pharmacy and the clinics.

Host: Right. Okay. So, centrally-located serving kitchen used to entertain guests like you had alluded to. The noon meals are served every weekday and on holidays, weekly bathroom and kitchen cleaning services, weekly landscaping and snow removal, full size refrigerator and stove in every apartment, safety bars in the bathrooms. Do they have the pull cords?

Ryan Lobdell: They do have the pull cords, yes.

Host: Okay. Laundry facilities like you had mentioned, serving kitchen for entertaining guests, individually controlled heating and cooling. Okay. I'm right there. I'm in.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes, absolutely. Because then, you can control your own heat, your air in your own apartment. You don't have to, you know...

Host: Those of us who are freeze babies.

Ryan Lobdell: That's right. That's right.

Host: Get my own heat.

Ryan Lobdell: That's right.

Host: Private patios on the downstairs apartments.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes. Correct.

Host: Which, by the way, looks over the amazing courtyard. It is so beautiful this time of year back there.

Ryan Lobdell: And it's so nice to see the residents out there walking and taking advantage of it.

Host: Yeah. A little walking path. So, sprinkler systems and smoke alarms for fire protection. Security access doors, so not anybody can just come and go as they please.

Ryan Lobdell: Yeah.

Host: Here it is. It's listed, 24-hour pull cord emergency assistance. And then, access to the barber shop and beauty shop.

Ryan Lobdell: Correct. And that's onsite.

Host: Onsite.

Ryan Lobdell: Onsite, yeah.

Host: And somebody comes from the public, from a salon and arranges those.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes.

Host: So, you really never have to leave.

Ryan Lobdell: No.

Host: And groceries?

Ryan Lobdell: Groceries, we have delivery from Fairway on Wednesdays.

Host: Perfect.

Ryan Lobdell: Usually, it's about one o'clock they get delivered and stuff right to your door. So, that's big, especially in the wintertime. If you don't want to go anywhere, you've got the pharmacy that'll deliver. You have groceries that'll be delivered, an onsite beauty shop, what could you ask for?

Host: Absolutely. You never have to leave. But if want to, we have garages. So if you're bringing a vehicle, you want to just talk about that?

Ryan Lobdell: Yeah. And the garages are attached so you don't even have to go outside to get into your garage. That's all I'll ever want--

Host: I'm telling you people, if you're in Iowa and you're not taking advantage of this, what the heck, right?

Ryan Lobdell: Yes. Absolutely.

Host: Those 40 below windshield days.

Ryan Lobdell: Yeah. And we do fun activities too. We do grill outs and we have devotions on Tuesdays. This month, we are doing an ice cream social.

Host: Nice.

Ryan Lobdell: And we got Rick Rasmussen coming at the end of the month. He's going to do a plant talk about the different plantings in the courtyard. A lot of residents ask, "Well, what kind plant is that?" I know a lot of things, but I don't know everything, you know. So, yeah, I contacted him. He was more than willing to come out and do that, which is wonderful.

Host: Yeah, very.

Ryan Lobdell: We also have had the kids come out and do programs. We've got sixth grade summer school kids coming out and they're doing a reading program. They're coming again this Thursday.

Host: Who reads to who?

Ryan Lobdell: The kids read to the residents. They put on like a little skit and stuff. So, the Meadows always likes outside entertainment. And the more community involvement, I think, is really key because you're good relationships.

Host: Right. And I think another important thing mention too is they can have as little or as much interaction as they wish.

Ryan Lobdell: Correct.

Host: These entertainment items are optional.

Ryan Lobdell: Absolutely, yes.

Host: So if you're completely introverted and you just want to stay in your apartment and read all day, that's fine.

Ryan Lobdell: That's right. Yeah.

Host: Yeah. Is there somebody to check on the residents kind of?

Ryan Lobdell: Typically, we will. If somebody has a routine and we haven't seen them, we'll go knock on their door and make sure that they're doing okay.

Host: Okay. And now, let's just talk a little bit about the assisted living. So, do you want to just tell the listeners a little bit about that? Because that's attached as well.

Ryan Lobdell: That is attached. Yes.

Host: Connected.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes. So, our assisted living is 21 units. We have a small, medium and large. And then, we go by levels of care. So your level of care, we start out at level one then we go to level four. So, on that, you would talk to us, kind of your loved one needs for, cares and stuff, such like help with medication, bathing, maybe some help with dressing, you know, like snapping up buttons and stuff like that.

Host: So then, you look on your checklist and then based on those items, you can determine what level.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes. So, like a med managed person would be automatically a level two, just based on the, medication aspect of things, and that they had three meals a day, shower. Also, weekly housekeeping, and that's also attached to hospital. And we have a new pendant system we have put in. So, those are the pull cords and the pendants. And those those in real time. So in real time, we can tell where somebody is at.

Host: Oh, nice.

Ryan Lobdell: Yeah.

Host: No wanderers.

Ryan Lobdell: No wanderers, not at all.

Host: Even though they also have access to the hospital.

Ryan Lobdell: Correct. And courtyard.

Host: The courtyard, all of that.

Ryan Lobdell: Yeah, absolutely.

Host: Perfect. All right. So, we've gotten a little synopsis then of what Meadows Independent Living, Meadows Assisted Living. Now, let's transition to the big party that's coming on June 28th. Thirty years since the independent living was first--

Ryan Lobdell: Yep. Absolutely.

Host: So, we're having a 30th anniversary party. So, I'll let you take it from there.

Ryan Lobdell: Okay. So, the 30th anniversary party is going to be from 5:00 to 8:00, it's Wednesday, June 28th. We have Joanne Olson that will be playing the piano and the praise team that will be singing. We're going to have hors d'oeuvre and I think there's going to be like vegetables and dip, fruit and dip, desserts, that kind of thing.

Host: That's going to be good.

Ryan Lobdell: Just wonderful stuff. Yes, Steven Simonin, our CEO, is going to do a program at 6:30.

Host: Okay. And whole event is what, 5:00 to 8:00?

Ryan Lobdell: 5:00 to 8:00, yep. And then, we've contacted some of the old coordinators. So, we'll have some of the old coordinators there.

Host: That'll be fun.

Ryan Lobdell: Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.

Host: And it's open to the public.

Ryan Lobdell: Open to the public, yes.

Host: And we'll have entertainment in the courtyard. So, if you are inclined and want to come, you can bring a lawn chair if you want to sit out listen to that. Otherwise, we'll have the food and everything indoors.

Ryan Lobdell: Correct.

Host: Yeah. And there will be some refreshments.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes.

Host: People who would like that, we don't exactly...

Ryan Lobdell: Sure.

Host: Plan for a good time.

Ryan Lobdell: Absolutely. And pray for good weather.

Host: And pray for good weather. Absolutely, yes.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes.

Host: So, we have a bunch of photos that will be playing on a slideshow, I think.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes. Yep. And then, we've got some bulletin boards of past residents and coordinators and things that they had when the place started, the groundbreaking and the like. Lots of photos. Holly and I went through many photos and it's really kind of interesting.

Host: Oh, I bet you didn't get anything done for a couple weeks.

Ryan Lobdell: Yeah.

Host: Kim brought a photo to me and it was, I think, one of the original groundbreaking photos. And she says to me, "Who's this?" Which led to like a half hour of dissecting every person in that picture, trying to figure out who they were. "Well, I think they worked at that bank way back. You remember them and they lived..."

Ryan Lobdell: Yes.

Host: Memory lane for sure.

Ryan Lobdell: Absolutely. And it kind of nice because I've been here since 2015 and to go back through photos and be like, "Oh, I remember when we did that or "I remember that day well." But we had lots of faces, lots of residents that had passed on and stuff. So, it was a nice trip down memory lane.

Host: Yeah. That's fun. And that will be really cool for the people who are coming to just kind of look through those photos and do a remember when.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes.

Host: Because 30 years a lot of years.

Ryan Lobdell: It is.

Host: Yeah.

Gina Schnathorst (Host): And you guys are very good about taking pictures. We put a lot of them out on there. We have a Meadows Facebook page for anybody listening and curious about that. So, so much exciting stuff. And it's so fun that the Meadows are pretty much full.

Ryan Lobdell: Which is wonderful.

Host: We have a nice robust waiting list. Like Ryan had alluded to, if you guys are interested in becoming a resident, call him. And what's a good phone number to call you?

Ryan Lobdell: 515-532-9332.

Gina Schnathorst (Host): 9332. 532-9332. Then, Ryan will get you on that waiting list. And then again, if you down a hundred dollars deposit, you get priority and you get top of the list. So, that just shows your intent to move in. So, exciting, exciting stuff. So again, let's just reiterate the open house for the 30th anniversary party is Wednesday, June 28th from 5:00-8:00. There will be a program at 6:30, heavy hors d'oeuvres. I have on good authority that we're having some really mints. Everybody likes the mints.

Ryan Lobdell: Yes, that's what I have heard too. Yes.

Host: So, those will be there, all the good food, the good drinks, secret punch, which, you know, I had to claw my way around people to get that recipe for that punch. So, you don't want to miss it. Anything else that we may have forgotten?

Ryan Lobdell: I think we've covered about everything.

Host: Okay. So once again, if you are interested in more information about the Meadows, our website is the There, you click on either Meadows Independent Living or the Meadows Assisted Living. And again, 515-532-9332 to reach Ryan if you further questions, need any clarification, or if you just want to come out for a tour. We're always happy to do any of that and whatever. Perfect. Is that it?

Ryan Lobdell: That's it.

Host: Thank you so much for being on today.

Ryan Lobdell: Thank you for inviting me.

Host: Absolutely. Thank you for listening to Iowa Specialty Hospitals and Clinics' ISH podcast. For more information on the topic discussed today, visit us on the web at or, in this case, the There, can read a transcript of today's episode or previously aired episodes, as well as get the latest from Iowa Specialty Hospitals Clinics, explore all of the services that we offer. For the ISH dish Podcast, I'm Gina. Thanks for tuning in.