Thursday, 14 November 2013 14:33

Energy Drinks: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Learn what makes a good energy drink and what makes a not-so-good energy drink – ones you'll probably want to avoid.
Does a concoction of processed sugars and caffeine sound healthy? Of course not! But those are the two primary ingredients in most energy drinks. And the energy they provide is quick and fleeting to say the least.

Tom Morse, founder of Rushmore Essentials, joins Dr. Mike to discuss the ingredients that you should look for in an energy drink... the ones found in healthy drinks that provide lasting energy.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1346ht4d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Tom Morse
  • Guest Twitter Account: @drinkRE
  • Guest Bio: Tom MorseTom Morse has had a long and successful career bringing all kinds of new brands - from telecom companies to beverages and food products - into the marketplace and turning them into huge business juggernauts. One of his most notable successes was taking one of the top "energy" drink brands from concept to multi-millions in sales in the blink of an eye; he has repeated this success with brand after brand.

    Tom had become intrigued by the potential of creating a drink that could make you feel good, and was actually good for you, too. A fortuitous meeting with Brian Klein of Kendall Frozen Fruits, one of the largest fruit purveyors in the U.S., led to a true meeting of the minds: Tom had the idea for a Vitality drink and an entirely new category of beverages, plus he had the expertise to get it out successfully to the marketplace. Brian had the finest fruits in the world at his fingertips and was looking for new worlds to conquer.

    And so, a few short months later, Rushmore Essentials hit the market with REvive, a 2.5 oz. "shot" packed with 21 fruits and super-fruits plus a touch of green tea for people on the go, and REvitalize, a 32 oz. bottle loaded with the same fruit goodness for home or office.

    The RE Vitality drinks are made from pure fruit juice and puree, with no added sugars, chemicals, additives or stimulants. The delicious-tasting drinks are designed to deliver - in their natural form - all the antioxidants, anti-inflammatories, flavonoids and phytochemicals we need for optimally-healthy bodies and minds.

    Although the line is only 12 months old, it is already carried in close to 3,000 stores nationwide, including Vitamin Shoppe, Sprouts, Whole Foods Market, Lifetime Fitness Café, and many other fine retailers.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: No
  • Host: Dr. Michael Smith, MD