Tuesday, 10 October 2017 00:00

Magnesium: Mineral of Life

We need multiple aspects of treatments for modern-day health concerns, not just one supplement or one pharmaceutical to make everything "go away."
Over time, with the advent of processed and genetically modified foods, increased stress, and lack of sleep, our bodies have become disconnected. Modern medicine has tried to come up with solutions but oftentimes does not take into account the root causes of disease.

In reality, we need multiple aspects of treatments for these concerns, not just one supplement or one pharmaceutical to make everything "go away."

Supplements are a necessary component of restoring health and wellness. These vitamins and minerals aren't meant to replace a healthy lifestyle. They work in conjunction with other lifestyle factors such as sleep, diet, and stress management.

Magnesium, also known as the "anti-stress" mineral, is one of the most important minerals your body requires for optimal health, but unfortunately 70% of us are depleted. Even if you're eating a vegetable-rich diet, you can still be deficient. 

Serena Goldstein, ND, joins hosts Andrea and Lisa to explain why magnesium is imperative for regular life and factors that not only deplete it, but also other vitamins and minerals, such as stress, alcohol, caffeine, and certain pharmaceuticals.

She also discusses the different types of magnesium and the different ways you can incorporate into your daily regimen (e.g. Epsom salt, powder, pill, etc.).

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 2
  • Audio File: naturally_savvy/ns767.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Serena Goldstein, ND
  • Guest Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/DrSerenaND/
  • Guest Twitter Account: @drserena
  • Guest Bio: Serena-GoldsteinDr. Serena Goldstein, ND, is a Naturopathic Doctor in NYC specializing in hormonal concerns such as weight, mood, stress, PMS, peri/menopause, and andropause.

    Dr. Serena creates customized plans utilizing nutrition, botanical medicine, and homeopathy, while educating her patients around conventional care and supplements to address symptoms and then discover how and when they feel their best. She believes in instilling a proper foundation of health through diet, sleep, stress, and lifestyle as any form of medicine should supplement, not replace, an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Dr. Serena has been published in well-known health and wellness resources, such as MindBodyGreen, Better Nutrition, and Bustle, and spoken at places like Lehman College and the American Cancer Society. Dr. Serena is also on the Advisory Board for Natural Practitioner Magazine, and lends her expertise to fellow doctors at NYU-Hospital Poison Control Center.
  • Length (mins): 20:53
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Andrea Donsky, RHN and Lisa Davis, MPH