Friday, 20 April 2018 23:24

Stem Cell Therapy Offers New Hope for What Plagues Us

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We’ve long been conditioned by the medical establishment to treat any acute or chronic symptoms with symptom stoppers. Decades of turning to anti-inflammatory or pain medications have engrained this practice into our psyches. But after exhausting the over-the-counter medications (NSAIDs) options until our livers are screaming for some relief, surgery is the next step.

But conventional treatments are slowly losing their attraction and efficacy as patients become more educated and search for better options.

Today’s smart patients have a huge list of options before them when dealing with musculoskeletal problems and degenerative illnesses. Whether it’s elite athletes looking for more efficient ways to recover from injuries so they can return to their sport, or individuals with lingering back pain who need relief, or the man or woman with a degenerative condition that needs multiple types of treatments, adult stem cell therapy and activators are promising new disruptive technologies in regenerative medicine.

They are becoming game changers for healing and regaining quality of life.

Earlier, stem cell therapy became controversial when it was associated with embryonic stem cell technology. But the science has evolved and now entails transferring one’s own cells to the ailing location in the body through adult stem cell therapy, or through adult stem cell activators -- derived from natural plant sources with nanotechnology added -- taken orally to rejuvenate and repair damaged cells.

Compare the significant differences in stem cell therapies to traditional medical treatments:

An all-natural approach. Stem cells are the body’s cellular remodeling and repair crew. They have the unique ability to develop into other types of cells and tissues. Stem cells detect specific damaged tissues and repair them selectively. The beauty of stem cell therapy is that it’s all natural with no side effects. It requires no dangerous additives, chemicals or medications. In addition, adult stem cell therapy is derived from the individual’s own blood and components, so it introduces no toxicity in the body or concern for rejection.

Shortens healing time. Unlike conventional medicine, the use of adult stem cells for the treatment of sports injuries and similar injuries outside of sports can result in much more rapid repair and healing. This shortens the time of recovery and allows the individual a speedy return to activity. It’s a proven, effective alternative to dangerous and costly orthopedic joint, tendon and spine surgeries.

Safe, non-invasive procedure. With the traditional surgical route, there’s never a guarantee the problematic will be fixed, but there’s a possibility the procedure could be botched. At best, patients contend with a long recovery and the residual effects of scar tissue buildup. With nonsurgical stem cell treatment, the procedure takes two to four hours and is performed in an outpatient environment. Normally, from 60 to 100 ccs are harvested from a patient’s own belly fat after first numbing the skin. The stem cells are isolated through a special process in a lab, and then are mixed with a simple blood draw (called platelet-rich plasma, or PRP). That combo is injected at the specific joint and ligament site that’s causing the problem. The stem cells remain alive for about six months multiplying, regenerating and rebuilding the damaged tissues.

Alternatively, patients can choose from among 26 different adult stem cell activators, each targeting a different organ, system or tissue of the body, and take them orally over a period of several weeks. Activators can be used both preventatively and reactively, they’re safe, and they’ve proven effective for a broad range of ailments.

More affordable. High costs of traditional medical treatments can now be greatly reduced by circumventing outlays for surgical procedures, doctor visits and medications. While the cost of stem cell therapy varies among physicians, the procedure ranges from $1,200 to $7,000 per site for a knee or shoulder joint. For a more complex joint, such as the lumbar spine or hip, the cost can be $8,000-plus. If more than one site requires attention, some physicians may discount the additional sites. Depending on the tissue damage, severity of the condition, size of the area that needs to be injected and, most importantly, the patient’s healing capability, people usually need a series of one to six treatments to improve.

Adult stem cell activators are more affordable still, and patients don’t need to take them longterm for the activators to be effective.

Stem cell therapy is currently not covered by insurance, but this is expected to change in the near future.

We’re fortunate to be living in this day and age when we have these new therapies available. They offer new hope for acquiring faster healing, quicker recovery from injuries and better reversal of the negative effects of degenerative diseases.