Selected Podcast

UNPUBLISHED PER CLIENT REQUEST----Find Calm with this Guided Meditation

These are challenging times and it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Rather than give in to worry and negative thinking, take a few minutes to clear and refresh your mind with this guided meditation led by Kia De Lao from MarinHealth Integrative Wellness Center.
UNPUBLISHED PER CLIENT REQUEST----Find Calm with this Guided Meditation
Featured Speaker:
Kia De Lao
Kia has experience leading group meditation and creates a safe healing space for you to ground, relax and go inward. Kia enjoys sharing her passion for wellness and healing with her peers.
UNPUBLISHED PER CLIENT REQUEST----Find Calm with this Guided Meditation

intBill Klaproth (Host):  This is a special edition of The Healing Podcast as we take you through a guided meditation with Kia De Lao, Administrative Assistant of Integrative Health and Wellness at MarinHealth.

Kia De Lao (Guest):  Hi everyone, this is Kia and I’ll be leading you in meditation today. So, let’s just start by getting comfortable in our chairs with your feet flat on the floor. Balance you sitting bones. Close your eyes. And just come into breath awareness. And as you follow the rhythm of your breath, begin by taking seven deep breaths. Slowly building on each breath. And take your time. Breathing in, I know I am breathing in. Breathing out, I know I am breathing out. Breathing in, I see myself as a flower. Breathing out, I feel fresh. Breathing in, I see myself as a mountain. Breathing out, I feel solid.

Breathing in, I see myself as still water. Breathing out, I reflect all that air. Breathing in, I see myself as space. Breathing out, I feel free. And now, in touch with the flower, I breathe in, in touch with the scent and the beauty of the flower, I breathe out. In touch with the sun and the flower, I breathe in. knowing that without the sun, there would be no flower, I breathe out. In touch with the cloud and the flower, I breathe in. Knowing that without the earth, there would be no flower, I breathe out. In touch with the air in the flower, I breathe in. knowing that without the air, there would be no flower, I breathe out.

In touch with space in the flower, I breathe in. knowing that without space, there would be no flower, I breathe out. In touch with consciousness in the flower, I breathe in. Knowing that without consciousness, there would be no flower, I breath out. Knowing that the flower manifests from the six elements, I breathe in. Smiling to the six elements in the flower, I breath out. Gently, return to your breath awareness and your awareness of the room you’re in. and when you are ready, come back to present time. Namaste.