Monday, 01 April 2013 01:28

Are you Gluten Intolerant? Find Out Now!

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Gluten, a protein found in some grains, can cause serious problems for many people.

But the issues can go from a genetic intolerance called Celiac’s disease, to a non-specific type of “sensitivity." This “sensitivity” can cause a variety of symptoms from thyroid disorders to gas and bloating.

But why is it that the average medical doctor knows about Celiac’s disease, but knows nothing or denies the existence of gluten sensitivity?

It has to do with a weakness in conventional medical training called “hypofunction”. The great Naturopathic Doctor. Konrad Kail, discussed “hypofunction” in terms of an organ or a system, which is symptomatic to the patient, but not detectable by most or any available testing methods.

For years as gluten content was rising in grains such as wheat and corn, people started to have a variety of symptoms which where “unexplainable”.

But when these patients where tested, nothing showed up.

However, we have noticed issues like irritable bowel disease, Chron’s disease, and thyroid disorders were on the rise. Medical doctors decided early on that gluten was a non-issue, but the practitioners of natural medicine started to remove gluten from patient’s diets and they clinically got better.

Note the word clinically, meaning that we could not “verify” that they felt better through testing, so we as practitioners had to “believe“ them.

Personally, I believe myself.

My thyroid has always been sluggish but when I eat gluten, my energy decreases and I rapidly put on weight. Even my hair gets thinner. But my thyroid tests still come out normal.

Am I crazy? Could be, but there are millions of us crazies out there eating gluten free and feeling good about it!

So, the big question is how do you personally know if it's an issue?

Here is my checklist. If you have any of these issues, than consider joining me in a gluten free life. (You will love the Andean Dream gluten free pasta.)

1) Gastrointestinal, stomach, and digestive problems. These can include one or some of the following: Gas, bloating, queasiness, abdominal cramping, constipation, diarrhea, or an alternating combination of both - IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or Chron’s.

2) Headaches and/or migraines.

3) Fibromyalgia

4) Emotional issues involving chronic irritability and sudden, irrational mood shifts.

5) Neurological issues, including dizziness, difficulty balancing, and peripheral neuropathy affecting nerves outside the central nervous system and resulting in pain, weakness, tingling or numbness in the extremities.

6) Fatigue or exhaustion in general, or a diagnosis of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), or chronic fatigue immune deficiency syndrome

7) Thyroid disease or Hashimoto’s disease

8) Unexplained weight gain, weight loss, or malnutrition

9) Fat in stools

10) Aching joints

11) Depression

12) Chronic skin issues including eczema

13) Infertility, irregular menstrual cycle, and possibly miscarriage

14) Slow infant or child growth

15) A decline in dental health.

In conclusion, I simply say that if you have any one of these issues, or a combination of them, than try going gluten free.

It helped me, and it may be able to help you.