Thursday, 23 May 2013 14:22

Natural Ways to Safely Lower Your Cholesterol

Treating high cholesterol and lowering your risk of heart disease is very possible with diet, exercise and supplements.
The pharmaceutical industry has been very successful in promoting cholesterol reduction with statin drugs. They adamantly purport that this is the most effective strategy for reducing cardiovascular risk.

However, while the use of pharmaceutical treatment has saved lives, optimal cardiovascular protection involves a multi-factorial strategy that includes diet, exercise and targeted supplementation.

In this interview special guest Mark Estren, PhD, joins Dr. Mike to share essential information regarding cholesterol reduction. They also give you tips to help you create your own plan for managing cholesterol and preventing cardiovascular disease.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: healthy_talk/1321ht4c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Mark Estren, PhD
  • Book Title: Statins: Miraculous or Misguided?
  • Guest Bio:
    Mark J. Estren, PhD, received his doctorates in psychology and English from the University at Buffalo and his master’s degree in journalism from Columbia University.

    A Pulitzer-winning journalist, he has held top-level positions at numerous print and broadcast news organizations for more than 30 years, ranging from producer of Report on Medicine for CBS Radio to frequent health-related reporting for the Bottom Line newsletter group. Among his other affiliations have been The Washington Post, Miami Herald, Philadelphia Inquirer, United Press International, and CBS and ABC News.

    He was named one of Fortune magazine’s “People to Watch.” Experienced in business as well as health and medicine, he was general manager of Financial News Network, creator and executive producer of the national edition of The Nightly Business Report, and editor of High Technology Business magazine. He is based in Fort Myers, Fla.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Dr. Michael Smith, MD