Crossfit Training: Combining Your Workout

You do the bike, treadmill or track, use the machines and lift dumbbells. What if you could combine it all for the best possible workout?
You do cardiovascular exercise.

Your ride the bike, do the treadmill, walk the track.

You use the weight machines and lift dumbbells.

But what if you could combine all of these for the best possible workout?

With crossfit, you can aid your weight loss efforts, gain strength and be in overall great shape.

By using gymnastics, body weight exercises, weights, and changing the exercises every time you do them, you can give yourself the benefit of a crossfit workout.

Join fitness expert, Dr. Yuri Feito, as he explains the ins and outs of this relatively new workout craze.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 4
  • Audio File: train_your_body/1329tb2d.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Dr. Yuri Feito, PhD
  • Guest Bio: Yuri PROF 2 resizedDr. Feito obtained his PhD in exercise physiology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and holds master degrees in clinical exercise physiology and public health. He is certified by ACSM as a Registered Clinical Exercise Physiologist (RCEP) and Clinical Exercise Specialist (CES) and has been involved in the medical fitness industry since 2001, as a practitioner and administrator.

    As a professor, Dr. Feito's emphasis is to provide a bridge between scientific knowledge and skill application by incorporating clinical applications to all the courses he instructs. His current research interests include physiological adaptations to high-intensity training, the use of objective measures to promote and measure physical activity and the role of physical activity/exercise to prevent and manage chronic disease.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS