Health Benefits of Raw Local Honey

Raw honey is a natural and beneficial way to cure allergies while building a stronger immune system.
When you're suffering from allergies, or feeling under the weather, your body loses essential vitamins and nutrients that are needed to stay healthy. One alternative to taking medicines that may have their own side effects is incorporating local and raw honey into your beverages, food or just by itself.

Raw honey is honey that hasn't been heated, pasteurized or processed in anyway, leaving the honey in its most natural form. The benefits come because you are eating the natural nutrients that help promote digestive health and stabilize blood pressure.

Raw honey also has powerful antioxidants to eliminate allergies and can be used for skin wounds or rashes. When eating raw honey that is local, it can benefit you even more. Local raw honey contains pollen that is specifically in your area; therefore it can help with local seasonal allergies.

In this segment of Staying Well, Dr. Wayne Scott Anderson shares the multiple benefits you receive from buying and eating local and raw honey.

Additional Info

  • Segment Number: 3
  • Audio File: staying_well/1340sw5c.mp3
  • Featured Speaker: Wayne Scott Andersen, MD
  • Book Title: Dr. A's Habits of Health
  • Guest Bio: Wayne AndersenDr. Wayne Scott Andersen is the Co-founder and Medical Director of Take Shape For Life and the Co-founder of the Health Institute.

    His groundbreaking book, Dr. A's Habits of Health, is a core component of his successful program. He and his wife Lori were the first Presidential Directors and have had a huge influence on the 10,000+ Health Coaches, especially those with the organization today.

    Dr. A is the heart and soul of Take Shape For Life. An innovator and tireless champion of America's health, he is dedicated to providing the means for those who want to make a difference in the fight against obesity. He is the former Director of the Surgical Critical Care Program and Chairman of the Department of Anesthesiology at Grandview Hospital.
  • Length (mins): 10
  • Waiver Received: Yes
  • Host: Melanie Cole, MS